More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

IT manager is to blame here. Our place has an automatic cap of 2GB on mobile data. The muppets would be ringing up wondering why they’re cut off after day 12 in the month. Tough shit is the answer.


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Ya I’m surprised they would have been able to run up a data bill like that without getting some sort of notification.

I’d still chance your arm with the provider, especially if you have a dedicated account manager.

Also the IT Manager is NEVER the blame. Ever. It’s always down to either user error or a provider error.


Vodafone text you at 80 and 100℅ usage but don’t actually stop data. You have to specifically instruct them to impose the limit.

A cousin of mine once worked for the debt collection part of vodafone. She was telling me of one case where a guy had ran up a bill of over €20k when he was roaming. The idiot was watching a heap of porn on his phone and the data charge on the roaming was crazy. It ended up going to her managers considering the amount owed that was accumulated over one weekend!

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Yer man’s Mickey must have been like a Pepperami after that weekend.

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I know what you mean mate, I drive at least 200kms a day. I drove to Canberra and back on Wednesday, 730kms round trip. Thankfully nothing untoward. It’s amazing though and I witness it every day, how poor people are at driving in a city. For the most part, people are fairly commonsensical on a freeway, most stick to left hand lanes and sit on or just above the speed limit. There’s always the morons who tail gate, but I’ve arrived at a zen like state of calmness on freeways now so I couldn’t give a shit, I’ll move over when I can pal, in the meantime, you get you blood pressure up, I don’t really care.
But in the city, fuck me, people are fucking useless. I basically drive now assuming everyone else is a moron and they never fail to impress me. You’re just driving and assuming that the most stupid thing another driver can possibly do is about to happen, which happens more often than not.
I hear people complaining all the time about various sub groups, boy racers, women, asians, elderly folk being the worst drivers on the roads. All bollocks.
The worst drivers on the roads are white males in their 40’s and 50’s, a group of which I am a member, though I am, like @iron_mike the exception proving the rule. Most white men in the age group are horribly arrogant when behind a wheel, most of them don’t know how to drive properly, the vast majority of them don’t know the road rules, none of them and I mean none of them indicate, anywhere, ever. Big hard men that they are, the amount of times I’ve seen these lads tailgating the fuck out of some poor girl in a tiny car or a learner driver is unbelievable.
You just assume everyone else is a moron and try to anticipate their stupidity. The only way to go.


Some indicators will become one for the optional extra’s on car. So fucking annoying that people don’t use them or if they do use them its either a quick flash as they turn the corner or else they turn it on and leave it on.

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You cant take Australia into account, they all drive drunk over there. A failed experiment of a country.

Suppose they are all criminals over there or are descended from criminals.

Outcasts who walked all over an indigenous race and turned them into outcasts also, resulting in a country of pissheads. God bless anyone who made it out of the safe, you’d want your head examined to be down there.

bizarre way of describing Oirish Fenians

Let them be, they’re dead and gone, they’re with O’Leary in the grave

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That is more poetic than the original. And poignant. Chapeau.

Getting woken up from your going back to bed hangover nap by your daughter coming home from school.

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At least you got a hangover nap, mate. I’m knackered here.

It was delightful. I know how @Brimmer_Bradley feels now. Winner!


Electric Picnic was 5 days ago you blouse

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