More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

I didn’t know he doped?.When was this

Apparently back in the 80’s buddy…he’s only looking out for himself and the holier then though rhetoric frankly is sickening.

Apparently? This is TFK.Apparently won’t do.My whole view of kimmage hinges on this

He says in his book that he doped before some a street race, a criterium. Amphetamines. But only the once.

Thanks @balbec

There you go mate.

Fuck cycling circles or the ones you’re referring to anyway. Kimmage is a hero.


His crusade has just OD’ed in my eyes.TFK making the blind see.


You’d prefer the richest and most doped up cyclist to win rather than the best cyclist? What’s wrong with his accent?

Go away you dope.

Read the earlier posts. [quote=“the_man_himself, post:3671, topic:20929, full:true”]
You’d prefer the richest and most doped up cyclist to win rather than the best cyclist? What’s wrong with his accent?

It was only the once though. He was probably just feeling a bit down one day :slight_smile:

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The lad who would like to see dopers be allowed do anything they want with no repercussions or questions calling me a dope :laughing:

If we’re still talking about Kimmage…

There’s no one that wins the Tour De France clean pal…whether they’re taking a train or doping it’s just how it is.

It’s a tough sport which isn’t for the faint hearted literally…

Do you believe everything you read in the Irish Independent?

All doping isn’t the same though. Maybe all good cyclists do dope to a certain extent but that doesn’t mean its a level playing field. The teams with the best doctors will have the most sophisticated doping methods and they will do better than the others. Also different people have different reactions to drugs which is fairly common sense I would’ve thought. If you had two cyclists of similar ability and they had the exact same doping programs they aren’t going to get the same results. The bottom line is that just because " they all do it" doesn’t mean its right and it also doesn’t mean that the best cyclist will win anyway.

Your use of the word “rat” is also incredibly childish. Where do you draw the line at calling someone a “rat”?


Kimmage is a classic rat though…informing on his own for personal gain…

He lost his last job over his obsession about trying to write about doping didn’t he? Not much personal gain came out of that. I honestly don’t know how you can hear him talking about doping and think that all he cares about is his own personal gain. Any evidence of him changing his accent?

Also I’ll ask you again where do you draw the line at calling someone a “rat”?


Do you seriously buy into him giving a fuck about the health of any of the current elite cyclists?

My description of him as a rat is fitting…he betrayed his own people for his own personal gain…end of…

His own people :sweat_smile:


By that logic you agree with those bishops who covered up child abuse allegations against priests in their dioceses. At least they didn’t betray their own people though


Don’t be annoying me ffs.