More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Rapping to Óró sè do bhaithe abhaile on the Late Late

Took 5 finger forehead to new heights

Bold children. My wife is minding her colleagues 2 children ( while they’re gone to a rugby match ). They’re 2 horrible, rotten, nasty bastards, the kids that is.
I’m not a bit surprised that they’re wonky, if you saw their father it’d explain the most of it.
The 6 year old is following my beloved and gentle springer around the house with a hurley trying to hit him … Why ?? Yeah, why ? because he’s a little cunt. That’s why.
The 4 year old is just sitting there rocking over and back eating clumps of her hair and screaming for a bocboc … Apparently that’s a bottle of milk. I’ve never ever experienced little cunts like these and I’d be used to wild young lads, this is just evil at work, not your normal wild streak in certain kids.
They’ve never heard the word no before or have any idea how to behave in an acceptable manner.


Rugby offspring. Not surprising.


There’s most likely a link there somewhere.

Some cunt broke the needle clean off my record player.

They might be possessed. Would you chance a quick exorcism before the parents get back.


I did flick a small drizzle of Lourdes holy water on the eldest cunt and it sizzled off of him.
I’d say a boot up the hole might be better. I’ve just given the dog a meaty bone thing in the hope he’ll snap at his tormentor if he tries to take it. He’s never been aggressive before, buts here’s hoping.


I’m sure like myself you wouldn’t lay a hand on your own kids Brimmer… but these little cunts sound like could do with a good flaking.

Work away.

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Scotland wearing pink against England.

I’d a pint of hop house 13 earlier after avoiding it all this time. Never again, t’was fuckin’ awful.

I am really going off all beer . Bloating shite. Drink 5 or 6 whiskeys and maybe a couple of halves of Guinness .

Quick update.Mrs Bradley and myself were on the patio having a smoke & coffee, the 6 year old walks into the kitchen and spots my eldest daughters homework on the table, has a look around and thinking he’s alone … Picks up a ruler, breaks it over his knee and leaves it back and walks off quickly.
Scary stuff.
I’m glad Mrs Bradley was a witness to this, if I told her she’d tell me I have a dislike of the 2 cunts on account of their father being a mong and I was making things up.
I’m gonna call the priest to give the house the once over when they’re gone.


Give the parents and invoice when they come to pick them up. I’d hate to see these two in a Supermarket.

Christmas ads. Christmas movies all over the shop. Love the Christmas myself but all the fun will be taken out of it by the time the big man arrives

Apparently the mother has to leave them with the childminder when she does the grocery shop.
They’re gone now, for good,we’ll not be minding them again and our lads wont be going there ever again.
The 6 year old kicked the dog as his gimp parents collected them. I was waiting for him to be corrected and told not to be unkind to animals. They failed to acknowledge it even though I picked him up and made a fuss out of him being kicked. Never fucking ever again.
I’m seething.


They must be getting no rearing.

Would you not tell the child not to kick your dog?

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Best not sometimes. I’d not tell another child off in front of their parents.
Generation snowflake mark 2 is being reared.

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