More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

I’d lay odds these kids live lives of relentless, affluent boredom, with little or no interaction from the parents.

Any bit of an issue and Freud comes out for a bit of deep understanding and reflection.

Maybe they’re related to this lot Child cries a deep, raw devastation following election of Trump

Christmas lights in Dublin and Cork. It’s only mid November ffs sake


An injured cyclist being asssisted by car drivers and pedestrians while other cyclists don’t stop


I know. Disgusting

In fairness to him, @Fagan_ODowd probably felt guilty for running him down in the first place


Cheer up pal.


Make it a sticky

When a group in a near empty cafe eschew a raft of free tables to sit right next to you and inflict their loud conversation on you. I know I look good and smell nice but it’s extremely annoying.

A JUDGE has described photographs taken at the scene of a “very minor” road collision in Dooradoyle as being “like something you would see in the aftermath of an Isis attack”.

Judge James O’Donoghue made his comments in the case of a young mother who initiated court proceedings following the collision at Dooradoyle Road on February 27, 2013.

Mary Bridget Faulkner (23) who lives with her husband at Clonlong Halting Site in Southill sustained minor back and neck injuries after the car she was driving with struck by another vehicle as it emerged from the entrance of a local business premises.

Ms Faulkner, who has been involved in four other road traffic collisions in recent years, was in the early stages of pregnancy at the time and underwent a scan at UMHL as a precaution following the accident.

While Ms Faulkner initiated Circuit Court proceedings, Judge O’Donoghue was told two other people who were passengers in the car have commenced proceedings in the High Court.

While the driver of the car, which ‘glanced’ off Ms Faulkner’s car accepted liability, the extent of the damage caused and the injuries sustained were disputed.

“I tipped into her,” he told the court adding that he was surprised that injuries had been sustained as a result of the accident.

While nobody complained to him that they had been injured emergency services including three units of the fire service and two ambulances attended the scene along with gardai.

Judge O’Donoghue described the deployment of such resources as a “public disgrace” describing it as a “complete over-reaction” - given the minor nature of the collision.

Earlier, a colleague of the defendant who witnessed the accident told the court she saw the two passengers getting out of ms Faulkner’s car and “walking around” following the impact.

She said they got back into the vehicle before emergency services arrived and that she saw all three occupants putting on their seatbelts.

The passengers were later placed on stretchers and removed to hospital by ambulance.

The witness said she did not know who contacted the emergency services but agreed she did not believed the response was merited.

When a booklet of photographs taken by the witness was produced in court, Judge O’Donoghue sarcastically asked if the collision had been fatal.

“It looks terrible, the reaction (of the emergency services) seems to be a bit out of kilter with what happened,” he commented.

Cross-examining Ms Faulkner, Stephen O’Halloran BL put it to her that the first time she mentioned being involved in the collision to her doctor was in October 2013 - eight months later.

Referring to a medical report, prepared for a separate legal action, he noted that she had been given a clean bill of health following a physical examination in March 2013 - a month after the collision at Dooradoyle Road.

“I did tell her about it,” insisted Ms Faulkner who had earlier told the court she suffered from pain and discomfort for about a year after the accident.

While not casting any aspersions on the plaintiff, Judge O’Donoghue said there is “a lot of public disquiet” about such cases at present - given the impact they have on insurance premiums.

He said he was sceptical about the circumstances of the accident - describing the aftermath and pending legal proceedings as a “public scandal”.

However, he accepted that Ms Faulkner suffered some upset following the collision due to her pregnancy and he awarded her €2,500 in damages.

In an unusual move, the judge placed a stay on the related High Court proceedings and ordered that the court be informed of his views and the evidence given by the independent witness.

Cut my finger opening a tin of dog food this morning. Blood everywhere. Anyway from bad to worse. Put a plaster on. Obviously didn’t do a great job. Having a Tom Tit and the plaster stuck to the jax roll. I was like a fucking octopus trying to get the plaster and jax roll separated while not covering myself in scutter. FML.


You missed highlighting a line there.

who lives with her husband at Clonlong Halting Site in Southill

The fucking weather forecast.

Agreed, it’s always wrong

Could be for the things I learned today thread, but either way.

20-25M Americans live in Trailer Parks.

Make sure that blood gets into the dog food. It’s an amazing source of iron I believe.

A few nights in the slammer for this one.

I’d slam her

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Those low ferritin levels are coming back to haunt you.

You’ve a duty of care to your dog, whatever about those little spawn-of-satan children. You let your dog down very badly, and I only hope time will mend the damage.

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