More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

At least you were at the right car park


So you supervised a closed car park for an hour and a half? You gowl.


A third level institution having a Harry Potter society

Were you ever in a Third Level Institution? Thereā€™s been worse than Harry Potter.

I was all day in the eye clinic in the CUH yesterday for something that should take 15-20 minutes if no one else is there. Couldnā€™t read with the drops in or do anything else but sit on me hole for hours on end.

We as a society need to get over Harry Potter in general. Itā€™s had itā€™s day. Iā€™m so bored of JK Rowling equate something going on in the real world to something in Harry Potter and everyone fawning over it.

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My friend fell off a horse a few weeks ago. Spent 36 hours in a and e on a trolley waiting to be operated for a snapped collar bone (and 5 broken ribs). They had no bed to move him into pre op. He had health insurance too. Wouldnā€™t let him go home while he was waiting as he knew it would be at least one day before the op.

Had the op anyways at 7 am on a Thursday morning rings me at 2pm to come and pick him up they were letting him home as no room at the inn. The anaesthetic had barely worn off. Some set up

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That never happened


Why do you hate something that encouraged a generation of kids to go back reading again? So what if a few people like Harry Potter, would you prefer they were taking selfies endlessly and posting them to snapchat?


Like we got over Star Wars?

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Fuck sake, Reagan even tried to name a missile defence after Star Wars :smile:

True, but Harry Potter is kind of finished, no? And there was a nice aul period there where Star Wars was gone out of the public eye.

The last Star Wars film has me fairly over the whole phenomena anyway.

They were talking about it here in work and one of the lads was saying in the good old days you could setup a society for anything and as long as you had numbers they gave you a grand. So 20 of them setup a horse racing society and got a free trip to punchestown out of it :grinning:

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Definitely not fascists doe

There was along-running film society in the old WRTC which was handled by me, my siblings, cousins and some acquaintances. We never saw a movie.


Todayā€™s parents.Iā€™m here waiting for my kids to finish school and thereā€™s a load of parents collecting kids that live 300/400metres from the school. The same cunts park in the bus stop, the same cunts that go on about their kids being fat.
I do despair over silly things at times, but fuck it. This is whatā€™s wrong with the little snowflake bastards nowadays.


It really is shocking. The snowflakes about these days will even sit and watch these little shits kicking their dog up and down the yard and stay quiet about it because they are too scared of their own shit to speak up against the little cunts. Fucking snowflakes.

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+1 pal. Thank fuck quite a lot of them wonā€™t ever procreate though.

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This mannequin thing. Just FOAD already.