More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

“If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem”

Bang on the money there Fagan. I fucking hate it. Rte no better.

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The whinging squad, it’s no wonder we have so many cranks on here with our media so in bed with the Unions. I love public service broadcasting, can understand left wing bias in places like the BBC and indeed like some of our national broadcaster’s output, but Raidío Telifís SIPTU News have always been a joke.

What kind of grievance or agenda? Wouk you rather a culture where people can’t or don’t speak up or one where there is whistleblowing on poor practice?

It would make you sick.

God forbid. Have you heard about the state of our hospitals?

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Here he is. Right on cue.



@glasagusban is right. Our hospital system is a scandal.

We should have got Fidel in to sort it out while we had the chance


Won’t somebody think of the children?

His track record speaks for itself.

The Cubans send more doctors to the third world than anyone. Would it be any harm to ask.

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Last Month the CSO published data for 2013, based on a revised methodology, which showed a GDP ratio for current health spending of 10.1% of GDP in 2012 compared with the OECD’ November level of 8.1% and a GNI level of 12.4% in both 2012 and 2013 — in effect the Irish had overtaken the Dutch in respect of health spending. Spending on health peaked at 12.8 % of GNI in 2009 compared with 6.8% in 2000.

Who are the people who get on air to air most of their grievances?

Maybe that should be queue given the topic

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Turn on the radio. Nah, fuck it. Turn it off.

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Jimmy White’s Barnet. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.

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@artfoley will be devastated to find out what the lads in his old school are up to

Rafter will be in serious shite if he hasn’t complied with the children first guidelines. It’s a pity because he was an alright sort as a teacher but if the IT report is true his position is untenable as is the housemaster’s