More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong




This is what happens when you teach ludicrous stuff like claiming Mary wasn’t a virgin.


Fooley thinks it’s Eton he’s in

Just sitting in the car there. A 162 porsche of some sort pulled up across from me. Lovely machine in fairness. Next minute this lad gets out he must have been 70 if he was a day.
Now nothing against him and if he wants to drive a Porsche he’s perfectly entitled to it. It just had sugardaddy/some sort of life crisis written all over it

Are you sure it wasn’t @Fagan_ODowd?

or @flattythehurdler ?

or @anon98850436 ?

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@artfoley wtf were they at?

Aside from common decency and cop on in this day and age how did they not understand that the first rule of crisis management is don’t compound the problem and widen the circle of blame.

Absolutely no excuse whatsoever for not dealing with this properly. And act against your legal advice as well? Deserve every bit of grief this is going to bring them. Poor young lad who was victim here can’t really feel likes he’s gotten much support from the school.

I presume they were trying to deal with it under the radar and as damage limitation. The info in the times suggests that someone in a high up position is leaking the info and rightly so. The obligations are crystal clear and failure to comply and what looks like an attempt to obfuscate around it with the parents and CFA has been deliberately hamstrung and again rightly so.

Rafter’s position IMHO is untenable if the times report is true and possibly others by the looks of it. In trying to save face they’ve done infinitely more damage. It’s always the cover up that fucks you

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That and the hockey stick


It if was a hurl it might have been sweep sweeped a bit better.

I heard that they have banned Quidditch in The Hopgarden House due to fall out of this.

Please confirm?

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Are u in Rathkeale ???


@Rocko getting his nephew a Real Madrid jersey.


Morning Francis,kids good ye?

Hi feck it, kids are great, they’re looking forward to the Christmas now. Mrs. Fran is heading away on International business today for 4 days so it’ ll be a busy few days for me. And yourself, all good?

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