More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Good stuff mate. All good here except the Pounding headache (self inflicted) went for a swift cycle and now on my 3rd green tea. The baby (7) watching the toy show, again and Iā€™m pottering around and listening to fools and horses on the kitchen tv. Cant wait for Christmas tbh, nearly 2 weeks off of chilling with the younglings, and of course some beers and dingle whiskey, life is good pal. Misses feck it is still in bed sheā€™s had a long week in work so she can snore onā€¦

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Them ads by the supermarkets that give a lovely idyllic image of domestic bliss at Christmas . They donā€™t show the rows , the drunkedness , black eyes , gambling losses , fellas looking for an open pub Christmas morning , arguments about not going to mass or mothers lecturing about ā€œgoing out to early on Stephens dayā€. Oh ya some fella and his bird our arguing over a kiss with an ex under the mistletoe . Also a row over whether to his or her parents for Christmas Day.

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Your Christmas sounds shit. You should move to Fingal.



I pity you

That is moving and will provide succour to me at a difficult time .

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Being woken at 7am by the bin truck beeping outside your house and the realisation that despite being reminded the night before, you have forgotten to put the bins out. An undignified, half dressed but ultimately pointless charge downstairs and outside followed.


Tis worse here, they only collect once a fortnight.

Same here. Iā€™m going to have to pay someone to take it or weā€™ll smell like Calcutta by Christmas week.


Call them up and say your bin was on the road and they ignored it. Go mad on the phone, donā€™t back down and threaten to take your custom elsewhere. They will get a lorry to swing by and pick it up, do it ASAP.


What is it with these guys. I left the bins out one night. They were just inside the edge of my driveway (on my side) Not collected. Rang that day and was told they were not allowed enter ā€œa premisesā€ for insurance reasons to collect a bin. I strongly suspect the cunts just forgot it and would have had more respect for them if they just admitted it.

Mine were in the back garden so Iā€™m not going to be able to blame the Polish Lads. Greyhound Waste up here are complete gangsters. The City Bin crowd that we use have been very good to deal with. so I am a bit reluctant to take @Matty_Hislop advice . Thanks anyway Matty

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Youā€™re lucky. Over here they just send you on a few extra sacks and tell you to put them beside the bin. A bit fucking hard when the only collect once a fortnight.

over here?

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Had a disagreement with our binmen only 3 weeks ago. I put a half full black bag of recyclables sitting on top, kind of half in and half out of the recycling bin.
The cunts wouldnā€™t empty it because of a new policy of not wanting black bags in the recycling waste. They went to the bother writing this on a label and sticking it onto the bin. Why didnā€™t the squarehead serf not just flick the bag to one side.
I just pulled the bag open and exposed the contents last week and they took it no problem.
Thatā€™s their Christmas tip gone. The cunts.

Fair play to you, mate. You really showed them and youā€™ll have the last laugh as usual. Well done again. :clap:


There was more to it than that. But I didnā€™t want to bore the forum.
I rang the lady in the office and explained to her that as a result of her colleagues actions I was left with a bin full of recyclables. As I only avail of a twice monthly collection Iā€™d be left with several bags of recyclables and they refuse to take anything thatā€™s not in the bin.
While her attitude was not very customer focused initially, I reminded her that there is healthy competition in the area she soon confirmed to me that sheā€™d instruct the squareheads to clear any excess rubbish beside the bins the next collection day and ask them not to be so picky, they duly did so.
I hope they learned a lesson from it.

I hope they shit in your recycle bin.

All the one to me if they do. Theyā€™re to ones that have to empty it.

Brilliant stuff, very convenient for you and exactly the action @Matty_Hislop recommended taking a few posts above yours. Great minds and all that but glad itā€™s all sorted.