More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

She’s a keeper.

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Kills your little plan of drinking in Effin and not going to the mass.


Refer to my recent link on the things that are right thread.

I think we may have white smoke. She’s giving them a bell to try and get a 9am appointment

People that approach you in the street and try to get you to sign up for charity.

A big wave at you from miles away - usually followed by a ‘why don’t you smile?’

As if they have such a great personality and there is something wrong with you.

No mention of the fact that they are on commission from the charity.

I’d love to head butt the pricks.


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Would you ever tell them to fuck off? I’ve done so on occasion, there’s a great feeling to it, followed by a hint of remorse shortly thereafter, but that dissipates after a few jaunty steps as they are left seething. Give it a try.


I’ve mastered the look. The cunts won’t even approach me.

Jaysus @farmerinthecity is on a hair trigger today.

There’s been a lovely bit of sulphur around the place lately, its wonderful to see.

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Shower of cunts. I don’t even acknowledge them.

I don’t know how you could force yourself to do that job. It must be poison for the soul


They are bubbly characters don’t you know. Great, positive people to be around. The rest of us are idiots.

The cunts that call to your door just when you’re home from work are the worst

One guy in particular stands out from the area there outside the Gaiety. He is in his 40s I’d say - far too old to be doing such a thing. He is probably a mature student - the missus slaves away at her job to fund the family.


@gilgamboa have you considered a career in chugging?


He’s too much of a cunt for it


More popular than Bankers anyway

No such thing a being too much of a cunt to be a chugger.