More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Why should some letters get to be capitalised and others don’t?
It’s completely unfair.

Capital fluid you might say.

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Capital letters are symbols of the white mans oppression


fucking disgusting


I had to look at the picture a couple of time to realise it is was a woman or were they a man the day that picture was taken.

that lady is mentally ill, she is a new mother and has grown a fucking beard. she is making decisions that will destroy her little babies life. that shouldn’t be allowed happen but this is the world we now live in. where a little babies is life sacrificed to placate some fucking weirdo.


she should be in the nut house getting treatment

I was reading some work from an ‘academic’ type a few years ago, called danah boyd. I thought it was a typo on the publication that her name was entirely in lower case, but it turns out she had it changed. From her wiki, her decision was “to reflect my mother’s original balancing and to satisfy my own political irritation at the importance of capitalization.” Fucking weirdo


the child should be taken off her, its child abuse plain and simple. shes an evil fucking sick bitch so she is

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So what is the reasoning behind not using capital letters in your name? Do they not use capital letters at all or is it only on their name?

Its mind boggling that amount of shite folks are coming up with now.

This is a clear (lower) case of you being a complete hypocrite, @tazdedub.


I know this might come as a shock but that wouldn’t be my name. :slight_smile:

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nice to see you supporting her stand against capitalisation tossy mate

It’s very funny how all of a sudden things like biology don’t matter to the left.

The feminist bell hooks has been doing that (no capital letters) for many years, odd enough but harmless I suppose, that Canadian sow isn’t doing the kid any favours.
I enjoyed listening to Moncrieff today when he rounded quite viciously on some snowflake bint who wrote in a letter to say that she was going to ‘support’ her pre teen daughters decision not to get the vaccinations that come at that age, I assume she expected a pat on the head from Sean but he gave her both barrels,

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I suppose if there is a silver lining it’s easier to restore a capital letter should you change your mind, compared to reattaching your severed cock and balls.

0.3% of humans identify as transgender, so in the 3 in a thousand chance of the child being transgender, the parent raises them as effectively transgender or at least gender fluid, thereby ensuring that should they be in the 99.7% population, most likely they will be completely fucked up mentally.

This is all about the “adult” and nothing to do with the child.


I’m sure you know best and have deep knowledge and experience to draw on.

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I have raised kids mate which is more than you have done.


Nice one Searyl

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