More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong


Bastards blocked it in. What if there’s a catastrophe?

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An ambulance for cats??

Unless they are driving it, yes.

Ones who are feline under the weather


Maiden on Netflix about Ukraine

Meanwhile in 2012 each private school students got €3,500 grant from the tax payer. The argument that it would cost us more to educate them in a public system is a ludicrous one, if you want a private fee education pay for it. Don’t be relying on handouts.


Fucking hell.

That is factually wrong. State pays teachers salaries in line with pupil teacher ratio (higher for fee paying school).

Fee paying schools receive no capitation grants unlike non fee paying schools. This is why fee paying schools actually cost the state less.

Fee paying schools use funds from fees to fund capital improvements, pay for additional teacher staff, other staff and extra curricular activities.

My point is private schools should not receive a state subvention.

But they dont.

Since when?

You stated that they recieve a grant of 3500e per student. I explained that this is factually wrong.

Yes, they pay the salaries of majority of teachers in these schools in line with pt ratio. If you mean this is a subvention, then you are correct but figures in relation to grants is wrong as is your point about fee paying schools costing the state.

Grant may be the incorrect term but in 2012 tax payers gave 95m to private schools. 26,000 kids in private school. That’s about 3.5k per student. If the state didn’t fund it then the parents would have had to or else schools charge lower fees. No problem with private education as long as parents pay for it, in full.

What was the 95m? Teachers salaries?

Can the teachers get supplementary income from the school to top up their state pay?

So the ‘grant’ is in the form of teachers wages??? FFs sake. In other indo news, HSE Consultants have been given grants because they have long waiting lists and people on the dole are getting grants as long as they refuse to work.

Not sure what it was spent on.

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