Motorways driving

Distance based tolls im sticking to the current road

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Will it be built in time to save Munster rugby?

It’s been a loooooong time coming

I’m happy enough they’ve gone for the existing road upgrade option. The transport hub things seem like a bit of a sop but anything that gets the project through is worth doing

Hubs in Croom, Bruree and Charleville seem a bit close together?

I’d say they’ll basically just be car parks so anyone coming from those areas can theoretically drive there and ditch the car/bike to get a bus to Cork.

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4hrs to get from The Peninsula to Dunmore tonight. Normally takes 2 hours 20. :flushed:. Hour and a half inching along the M50 from the airport to the Red Cow and it was slow then to Kill.
There are some awful gob shites on the roads in fairness.


You’re taking your life in your hands trying to traverse the M50 and M7 on a Thursday afternoon

Why Thursday Mac?

WFH or Hybrid working seems to have made Thursday the new Friday afternoon / evening from my experience.



Tuesday morning was always the worst to go to Dublin…I suppose that has not changed?

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Been grand over the summer but would usually be the worst alright. I’d usually go early to miss it or wait till kids are dropped to school and then go.

I took the Dart today for the first time since 2020. I haven’t missed much.

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I am dreading the return of ul and schools in a few weeks. My commute is long enough without them.


You are traffic cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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I was on the M7 the other evening and taking one of the off ramps. No one behind and always leave space in front in case of a sudden stop. Chap tears up and in and I had to slam on the brakes. He was going to the busier right at the roundabout, I was going left so was able to slow down, wind down the window and call him a dickhead as I passed him and went on my merry way. There was a great sense of satisfaction in the one sided exchange.


Maybe you could move out there altogether?

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The worst of it is, you forgot all about it for the summer months and then… boom, just like that

I’m like yourself. Like to leave a bit of space in front of me for the inevitable slowdowns but the amount of cutting in and out in front of me was off the charts. Fellas weaving in and out I’d say because they were bored and making no ground on anyone else.