Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

Party at the airport lads. Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Everest is azy enough find. Away you go.

@gilgamboa this Damien Browne lad is already gearing up to row the Atlantic from New York to Galway.

How does he fund himself? He hardly made much off the rugby career ?

I don’t know how he funds it tbh. Wouldnt have been on huge money at any stage I’d say. Certainly not the go fuck yourself type money he needs to funds a lifestyle of no working and supporting a family while flitting around the world like this.

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Does Trevor hogan do any media anymore?

He was punting away for a few patreon donations , but if he made more than a few k out of that id be amazed.

He said on the podcast that the Everest expedition pushed him to his limits financially.

I assume the big thing with that row is that it’s starting from the American side? I think most people rowing the Atlantic go west across it?

What a load of shite. Damien would be better off doing an accountancy technician night course in GMIT.


Easier coming east with that natural current? He’s already done west right?

Trying to build up ‘partnerships’. Top tier 10k

@flattythehurdler already in for the platinum package I’d say.

Fcuk that :grimacing:

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Haven’t heard him in ages. He works for Leinster in some academy role I think

This isn’t going great. His partner has had to bail out after 9 days, so he’s going to take on the rest of the challenge himself.

I’d say he got fed up of listening to Damo’s auld shite and dived into a school of tiger sharks.


This is pure madness. Must have cost a fortune to get your man out?

Are tax payers paying to save these chumps on when they hit issues oan their adventures?

Your man comes across as some wanker on the podcast. He blames gussy for everything from the start.

In todays podcast he mentions the death of two Galway fisherman. I was looking there it seems the father died from a heart attack after his son drowned at sea?

You lying bastard.