Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

That’s right. He did. Got up in dead of night, walked quietly down to the pier with Gussy, and rowed off into the still of the night.

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A sting in the tail…

Day 103: N. Atlantic Normality Return Distance to Galway at start of day: 137nm The picture changes. There was me thinking I could just skirt into Galway Bay and home; however my old adversary has different ideas. I’ve been getting pushed south by NW winds for a couple of days. These were the exact conditions I wanted at the start as I was sitting at a coordinate adjacent to Clifden but now they continue to push me further south passed Galway Bay. Normally this wouldn’t be much of an issue but then the latest forecast drops. It doesn’t make for pleasant reading. The NW winds are here to stay for the next 5 days, consistently sitting in the mid twenty knot region over that period. However what is confronting about this forecast is the wave height; 3.5 - 4m waves! The whole thing ruffles my safety senses. It’s probable that’ll I’ll be ‘beam on’ (sideways on) to the wave direction, considering my destination and the wind strength. This puts me in a vulnerable position to capsize and breaking oars in normal 25kt+ winds, but add in the 3.5m - 4m height forecast and it’s almost a certainty. This is as dangerous a combination as I’ve ever experienced. I’ve not come all this way to have my dream scuppered 130nm from the finish; we must negotiate this smartly with the minimum risk. It does seem fitting though, that this expedition would finish with a sting in the tail just like this. Time to make some plans with [@newoceanwave] on how best to negotiate this period. ETA will be pushed back. More on this tomorrow. ————— Tune into the latest episode of [@deep_roots_podcast] to hear the full story from days 103 & 104, including; the planning to deal with huge waves like these forecast.

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I sense a gripping documentary coming up…

That’s what he gets for getting cocky and easing up on the rowing to allow his wife make it to Galway.


He sounds like a barrel of laughs

Why is a lad rowing in the Mount Everest thread ?

When has any discussion ever stayed on topic around here?

His previous expedition was a failed Everest attempt.

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It’s TFK, every thread is guaranteed to end up in a row one way or another.


@TreatyStones, we may have to go to Plan C and light the fires of The Skelligs. He’s after drifting as far south as Kerry.

How does that par-anchor work ?

Think of it as a parachut that fills with water and acts as an Anchor

It’s a para-anchor (parachute anchor), mate (aka drift anchor). So the name is the clue. It’s basically a big parachute that he puts out to keep him stable. It’s not the same as a regular anchor @TreatyStones. It’s more like a device that stabilises the boat and stops it turning broadside and getting smashed by waves and potentially capsized.


Must be a fair bit of kit to survive the storms

Wind makes damn all difference to it. It’s underwater for the most part.

I see he’s gone way way south over the past 24 hours.

Is it time to call for the RNLI?

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He’s in line with Dingle Bay at the moment. Is there a way to Galway via inland waterways?

He’ll have to keep going to Cobh, he won’t be able to afford Dingle


He’d be at risk of antagonising the Cork fishermen if he enters their territorial waters.


It’ll take the family another two days to make Cork. He may head for France