Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

He rested on his laurels. Women. They’d make you late for anything.

He’s heading for West Africa

He might as well pick up a Syrian family at this stage shur

@Fagan_ODowd will have to head out in one of the Ellie’s and tow the cunt in.


He’s 30 miles from the basket islands now. No big roll left and 3 percent on his battery.

Seems this lad has been shunted across the Atlantic by wind and is taking credit for rowing.


He wouldnt row boats to ducks.


He’s sitting outside the entrance of Dingle bay now for the next five days or so.

I’d say he’s basically ran out of everything too.

Now 30 miles north from where he was yesterday, so back north of the Blasketts. He’ll be pulling up lobster pots shortly.

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Spot the drama queen

She got a drive by at the primary school. Happy out she was.


She was the first irish woman to solo row the Atlantic but she rowed west to east (if it’s the same lady I’m thinking of). Loads of people have rowed from the Spanish islands to the Caribbean. Not many people have rowed it from East to West.

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Didn’t know you could track this lad on Marine Traffic. He’s about 10 miles off the North Kerry coast now nearly at the Shannon Estuary.


Informative Rating.

ETA Unknown…

That’s a great app. What’s the story with the UK flag / registration?

Was this fella not coming into Galway Bay over a week ago??

Sounds like he’s unconscious or worse and is just drifting aimlessly off the coast.


He’s been pushed south by the winds. Should have them back in his favour soon.

What age are his kids?

I’d have thought they’d be in school rather than abroad. I know he’s been gone for a long time but it does seem a bit odd that they wouldn’t be around at roughly the time he was due to be back.

Child is only about 2 years old. Was very young when he went to everest I think. He lives with his family in Oz . So they were making their way over from there I believe. Still though, He’s lost all credibility in the last week.may as well have not bothered now.

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The family will be gone home again by the time he lands