Moving Abroad

I didnt mean it in a bad way, just an observation.

I didn’t take it in a bad way, I just try to move around here without really being noticed.
I must now away to beneath the radar again…

[QUOTE=“Midshipman Asha, post: 935503, member: 1508”]I didn’t take it in a bad way, I just try to move around here without really being noticed.
I must now away to beneath the radar again…[/QUOTE]
Its too late. We know too much.

Just forgot to say regarding Singapore that the in-store customer service is surely the worst in the world for a first world country. Its the norm for shop assistants to have loud conversations - usually in Chinese, as the people that work in stores typically can only speak a form of pidgin English - with each other while serving you, or even sometimes chat on the phone to a friend. Sometimes they make rude comments to you or under their breath to other people. In restaurants the food is usually late, or else they serve you one by one. Typically people serving you never smile - at all.

You need to cultivate the air of an affluent and stern Chinese lady and you’ll be grand in shops-
I think the one by one service in restaurants is probably due to the fact that service of individual people in defined courses is not traditional. Any time I’ve been there with family they discuss the menu, shout (well that’s what it seems like) what they want and the dishes come one by one but they are shared, everybody has some of the first dish, then they bring the second etc.

[QUOTE=“Midshipman Asha, post: 938319, member: 1508”]You need to cultivate the air of an affluent and stern Chinese lady and you’ll be grand in shops-
I think the one by one service in restaurants is probably due to the fact that service of individual people in defined courses is not traditional. Any time I’ve been there with family they discuss the menu, shout (well that’s what it seems like) what they want and the dishes come one by one but they are shared, everybody has some of the first dish, then they bring the second etc.[/QUOTE]
That’s the best way of eating-everybody sharing and it becomes more of a social thing. Not like Paddy silently eating his body weight in boiled spuds, boiled ham and boiled cabbage.

[QUOTE=“Midshipman Asha, post: 938319, member: 1508”]You need to cultivate the air of an affluent and stern Chinese lady and you’ll be grand in shops-
I think the one by one service in restaurants is probably due to the fact that service of individual people in defined courses is not traditional. Any time I’ve been there with family they discuss the menu, shout (well that’s what it seems like) what they want and the dishes come one by one but they are shared, everybody has some of the first dish, then they bring the second etc.[/QUOTE]

In some places in Thailand they’ll regularly serve you your main course before your starter.

Imagine trying that with a group of Irish …you’d either end up with a fork stuck in your hand or else there’d be a mill up over who gets the last piece…

Were you raised by wolves?

coming from a laois man that is more than ironic…

You’re the one talking as if you had to steal bread from someone’s teeth so it was a valid question. Unless of course you’re a traveller which could explain it.

No I’m agreeing with @Horsebox about Irish people being savages…sorry but its true… living in the basement you probably don’t get to share a meal with anyone do you?..

By the sounds of it I shouldnt share one with you anyway thats for sure.

It’s the same here. Customer service across the board is awful here, restaurants, bars, shops or whatever.

[QUOTE=“Midshipman Asha, post: 938319, member: 1508”]You need to cultivate the air of an affluent and stern Chinese lady and you’ll be grand in shops-
I think the one by one service in restaurants is probably due to the fact that service of individual people in defined courses is not traditional. Any time I’ve been there with family they discuss the menu, shout (well that’s what it seems like) what they want and the dishes come one by one but they are shared, everybody has some of the first dish, then they bring the second etc.[/QUOTE]
I’ve done similar with friends and my woman’s family do it all the time when out at a restaurant, one of them married a Malaysian and I think it must have come from that. I see nothing wrong with it.

Why are you so down on Irish people?

Ah I’m not really, bud-a lot of Irish males would do as above though.

It is an interesting phenomenon though this severe self loathing irish people have. It’s unreal how much of it goes on and this forum is a good example of it. We’re constantly telling ourselves how useless and lazy and thick and greedy and whatever else we are as a people. I read a book recently called ‘nothing but the same old story - the roots of anti irish racism’ and none of the things that were said and written about us over the centuries is a tenth of what we say about ourselves.

Do other countries do this too? Maybe they do but the Americans, English and Aussies don’t anyway from my experience as the only other countries I’ve lived in.

[QUOTE=“Tabby, post: 939133, member: 2142”]It is an interesting phenomenon though this severe self loathing irish people have. It’s unreal how much of it goes on and this forum is a good example of it. We’re constantly telling ourselves how useless and lazy and thick and greedy and whatever else we are as a people. I read a book recently called ‘nothing but the same old story - the roots of anti irish racism’ and none of the things that were said and written about us over the centuries is a tenth of what we say about ourselves.

Do other countries do this too? Maybe they do but the Americans, English and Aussies don’t anyway from my experience as the only other countries I’ve lived in.[/QUOTE]

@Horsebox has a lot to self-loathe about in fairness

True enough I suppose