Moving Abroad

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038125, member: 686”]Great position to be in mate. Hard to knock Copenhagen for sheer pleasure of being a nice place, with nice people and a sensible work ethic. I have been there a few times and I love it…

The wages could be the killer though. Try and get a snapshot of the cost of living there, i’d imagine it wouldn’t be crazy… especially if you are comparing Dublin rents prices to it.[/QUOTE]
Agree with all you say about Copenhagen, anyone who has been there is only positive about the place and i saw how cool it was myself with my own eyes. Fabulous city to walk around at night, i found it safe as houses. I actually know a fella who has lived there for a few years so that’s a bonus, i must pick his brain a bit.

@maroonandwhite If you are planning on teaching English abroad make sure to get a decent tefl course (One called a Celta is very good, one month long, pretty intense). Do not bother with a weekend course, loads of schools don’t take shit tefl qualifications. It will greatly increase the quality of school you can work in and therefore the wages and conditions.
Also, bring your transcripts of the BA or whatever, some countries have it as a condition for a visa(China).

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 1038188, member: 53”]@maroonandwhite If you are planning on teaching English abroad make sure to get a decent tefl course (One called a Celta is very good, one month long, pretty intense). Do not bother with a weekend course, loads of schools don’t take shit tefl qualifications. It will greatly increase the quality of school you can work in and therefore the wages and conditions.
Also, bring your transcripts of the BA or whatever, some countries have it as a condition for a visa(China).[/QUOTE]

Thanks mate, I’m torn between doing a CELTA in dublin or a CELT course in galway, what they call the ‘irish government’ version. I can live rent free at home while doing it down there and its about 600 cheaper than the CELTA. supposedly they are equivalent but the CELTA is better recognised internationally, so unsure what to do?

The CELT course is one month intensive too so might do the job, just be a matter of making schools aware it has equivalency with the CELTA

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 1038186, member: 2269”]Good stuff. I’m glad they speak a bit of English there. I have never been there though so think i will hit it for a few days first and suss it out. How did you find the German food, they say it’s fairly dire? And were you renting an apartment or sharing? What way did it work?

Was reading up about Belgium there earlier and the norm is three year leases plus all apartments come unfurnished. :eek:[/QUOTE]
I liked the food. All pork and goulash type. Beer is great obviously. It is a really wealthy place - highest per capita millionaires in Europe I think. Lots of old money but that gives it a confidence.

Accommodation was sorted through work so no idea on that. Great transport system so no need to be bang in middle either.

Have a browse here

[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1038214, member: 1406”]Thanks mate, I’m torn between doing a CELTA in dublin or a CELT course in galway, what they call the ‘irish government’ version. I can live rent free at home while doing it down there and its about 600 cheaper than the CELTA. supposedly they are equivalent but the CELTA is better recognised internationally, so unsure what to do?

The CELT course is one month intensive too so might do the job, just be a matter of making schools aware it has equivalency with the CELTA[/QUOTE]

As long as you’re happy it is recognised then it’s all good. I just had a quick look there and one school says it is recognised by the british council, which is great. They run the IELTS exams. These are English proficiency exams recognised by colleges all over the world so a lot of foreign students hoping to study in ‘Western’ universities have to achieve certain grades in them. I’d a couple of lads I played football with in China who were IELTS examiners and their lives were sweet, worked fuck all(relatively), got to travel a lot and were well paid.

You learn a shitload in the month. It is pretty intensive.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 1038220, member: 53”]As long as you’re happy it is recognised then it’s all good. I just had a quick look there and one school says it is recognised by the british council, which is great. They run the IELTS exams. These are English proficiency exams recognised by colleges all over the world so a lot of foreign students hoping to study in ‘Western’ universities have to achieve certain grades in them. I’d a couple of lads I played football with in China who were IELTS examiners and their lives were sweet, worked fuck all(relatively), got to travel a lot and were well paid.

You learn a shitload in the month. It is pretty intensive.[/QUOTE]

So I gather I’m going to read up a few weeks before it to sharpen my grammar up. Just to clarify you found the CELT cours was well recognised?

Just had a look on google. I would probably try and check thatyourself but I think it would be.

Thanks pal

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 1038188, member: 53”]@maroonandwhite
Also, bring your transcripts of the BA or whatever, some countries have it as a condition for a visa(China).[/QUOTE]

Necessary also for Korea and Japan plus your transcripts and TEFL qualifications need to be certified - that’s what I meant in an earlier post about having all your paperwork done before you go.

[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1038214, member: 1406”]Thanks mate, I’m torn between doing a CELTA in dublin or a CELT course in galway, what they call the ‘irish government’ version. I can live rent free at home while doing it down there and its about 600 cheaper than the CELTA. supposedly they are equivalent but the CELTA is better recognised internationally, so unsure what to do?

The CELT course is one month intensive too so might do the job, just be a matter of making schools aware it has equivalency with the CELTA[/QUOTE]

Dunno what the CELT is. Might as well just go for the CELTA. Toughish one month but good fun and very enjoyable (at least for me). You can do it down in UCC where I did it, was very good. Ask me any questions about it if you like, did it a couple of years back and have been teaching in South-East Asia since.

Certified by who?

The CELT is the irish equivalent if that makes any sense. You need it to tefl in ireland, its just not as well recognised overseas, in that it might need to be explained to employers or schools. I’m half afraid if i put it on a cv schools might think it was a horrendous typo of CELTA. UCC only do intensive course in summer so id have to do it in dublin. Ill be plagueing you with questions when the time comes.

Why not just refer to it as Certificate in English Language Teaching (CELT)?

A peace commissioner or commissioner for oaths or whatever they call it- a solicitor. It verifies they are genuine.

Mate of mine did English teaching in South Korea. He was making about 400 a week with free accommodation. Said you’d be going out of your way to spend 200 in a week. Came back with a nice chunk saved. Loved it over there

I find that hard to believe …you seriously trying to tell us that you have a mate?..


Abysmal stuff.

[QUOTE=“Colin Montgomerie, post: 1038450, member: 9”]^^^^

Abysmal stuff.[/QUOTE]

is it that time of the week again where I show you up for the charlatan you are ?.. fuck off you fraud…


Followed by a diabolical riposte.

[QUOTE=“Colin Montgomerie, post: 1038462, member: 9”]^^^^^

Followed by a diabolical riposte.[/QUOTE]

go on pal… tell us again ,tongue in cheek, how you’re a businessman …jesus you’re a gas man …an awful character …blah blah blah…