Moving Abroad

I think they just took over it in the last few years and had to buy it with those weird licencing laws. If you make it in there ask for the Longford lady and she’ll look after ye - and probably yer missus as well if you want<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

Perth is 1 of the most laid back places you will ever see, it is also a great layout for a city (what’s the name of the main highway, the Polly Pipe or something isn’t it?). The center of the city is all high rises and stuff like that where people work, the outskirts are all just houses with loads of space around them, the city is about the size of London with the population of Dublin.

Because it’s so remote from everywhere they take customs very seriously, I remember a couple of my plane that decided to bring an apple and banana through with them, they were fined 5 grand and were all over the news.


I will spend a night there on honeymoon (I’m thinking a 3 month around the world trip)[/quote]

12 grand on an engagement ring - 3 month honeymoon around the world. What line of work are you in if you dont mind me asking?!

IT, started out right at the start of the celtic tiger and have been riding it since, also been made redundant recently (unemployed for 2 hours).

Nice. Keep riding the wave Clareman.

That’s the plan SS, I don’t like my new job and herself is sick of her job, so if we don’t make the move when we get married we’ll won’t have the opportunity for another 30 years, my mottos are enjoy life cause no one else will enjoy it for you and life isn’t short, it’s the longest thing you’ll do

You do know that retail jewellers enjoy a three to four hundred % mark up on Diamonds? and one particular off Grafton St “celebrity” jeweller 500%.

Should have bought a 3 ct european cut; max 1200; goldsmith and 2 oz’s of white gold (grain or wire) ; another 750 max; polisher and stone setter; 150 max.

Fair play - the best way to look at it. If you have money to spend you may as well go and enjoy it. You can’t bury the money with you.

by jesus we breed them cute in clare…

You who talks of double standards<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

He was an IOTM yesterday according to you but today he’s a cute clareman - you’d want to make your mind up Puke!!

You have to be cute to get on<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

Maire, you may have noticed that I spend a lot of time on line, I had researched the whole ring thingey up the ying yang, herself just wanted a solitare diamond in a simple setting, I am yet to see the price cheaper on line that what I paid for it, so it’s all good.

[quote=“Mac”]You who talks of double standards<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

He was an IOTM yesterday according to you but today he’s a cute clareman - you’d want to make your mind up Puke!![/quote]

There’s a very thin line between the two in Clare

[quote=“Mac”]You who talks of double standards<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

He was an IOTM yesterday according to you but today he’s a cute clareman - you’d want to make your mind up Puke!![/quote]

yerrah it was fairly green of him yesterday to point out the so called “record” but i am not one to carry a grudge…i just call it as i see it (irregardless who the poster is ) unlike some of the other begrudging cunts around here…

ya some people might call it cute others stupid. it always remains to be seen who’s right.

I’m under no illusions, I would have been the biggest fool in the world if I hadn’t gotten this new job, I hadn’t even looked for it to be honest, if I go (not 100% decided yet) on the round the world thing I’ll be looking for a job when I get back, but there’s more to life and as I said I have a shed load of expierence working for the biggest companies in the world so I should be grand.

Right I’m sounding well full of sh!t here and I’ve only been on a couple of days, sorry


Right I’m sounding well full of sh!t here and I’ve only been on a couple of days, sorry[/quote]

just as long as you don’t turn into a hard nosed cynical die hard like mac…<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

I wouldnt know how to be cynical Puke<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]You do know that retail jewellers enjoy a three to four hundred % mark up on Diamonds? and one particular off Grafton St “celebrity” jeweller 500%.

Should have bought a 3 ct european cut; max 1200; goldsmith and 2 oz’s of white gold (grain or wire) ; another 750 max; polisher and stone setter; 150 max.[/quote]

Note to self, consult with MGG when the time comes. You sound like you know what you’re talking about doll. Are you saying you’d get a serious weapon of a ring for two large?

As for Clareman, he sounds like a money no object lad so I’d say he didn’t want to be dicking around involving three or four artisans. He just put 15 bags of sand on the counter and said “give me a big fcuk off ring”.<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

[quote=“Clareman”]Perth is 1 of the most laid back places you will ever see, it is also a great layout for a city (what’s the name of the main highway, the Polly Pipe or something isn’t it?). The center of the city is all high rises and stuff like that where people work, the outskirts are all just houses with loads of space around them, the city is about the size of London with the population of Dublin.

Because it’s so remote from everywhere they take customs very seriously, I remember a couple of my plane that decided to bring an apple and banana through with them, they were fined 5 grand and were all over the news.[/quote]

yeah the Graham Farmer freeway (his nickname was polly) has a tunnel going right underneath Northbridge and got the name polly pipe. I worked in one of the towers off hay St, it had AAPT on the roof of it if you have any skyline views of perth. city is so handy to get around in tho, especially if you live by a train line.

you’re dead right tho taking advantage of things now. It was exactly what I did before I fecked off for a couple of years. I was going to wait a while and see how things went before I left but I thought what am I waiting for, so I just upped and left within 2 months of deciding to go. best thing I ever did. fair play to ye both anyway.

tis like my auld lad says mac " the wiseman can at the fool but the fool can’t act the wiseman"…i find it very appropriate for this forum;)