Moving Abroad

[quote=“Clareman”] I said I have a shed load of expierence working for the biggest companies in the world so I should be grand.



I’ve worked in the 3 McDonalds of the IT world

Your old man is indeed a wiseman, Pukey.

Cool. Sys Admin side or developer side of things? In the sys admin area myself but I’m afraid I’m after arriving a bit late!

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Note to self, consult with MGG when the time comes. You sound like you know what you’re talking about doll. Are you saying you’d get a serious weapon of a ring for two large?

As for Clareman, he sounds like a money no object lad so I’d say he didn’t want to be dicking around involving three or four artisans. He just put 15 bags of sand on the counter and said “give me a big fcuk off ring”.<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif[/quote]

As I sit here typing this as I eat the sandwich that I brought in from home with the crisps from the multipack (also brought in) and drinking water from the fountain, I assure you that money is an object, but when it comes to life’s important decision it shouldn’t be, I told herself that I didn’t want her to be looking down at her finger for the rest of the life thinking of another ring that she should have gotten, she had to get the 1 she wanted. I also paid for it on the Credit Card and changed Credit Card companies the week after (0% transfer) so that meant I didn’t have to pay up front or extra for it

Started out in 96 working as Tech Support on the phones, then got a job Sys Admin for another multi, get Network Admin for another, then Systems Managment (people reporting to me), then Service Delivery and now still Service Delivery. Did development in college

Tis funny the way they always like the expensive ones Clareman innit?! I think you are right if you can put your hands on that sort of money, I’m sure it will come back to you in spades in any case.

She actually earns more than me SS* so it’s all good

a kept man…your an even cuter hoor than i thought;)…

That’s the dream anyway, be awful if I can’t get a job after coming back from honeymoon<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

Sitting at home watching racing in between walking greyhounds and making cups of tea while drawing disability with the wife out working and bringing home 100 large a year I think is everyman’s dream.


Either that or having the stud farm out the back to do a few hours on.

that is the dream indeed

I reckon you’d go mad in a a week or 2, be trying to find jobs to do for yourself, a few mates of mine were off for a while and they were saying it was torture trying to occupy the day

Ah I wouldn’t expect a man to be idle, between walking the longtails and as Mac says a few stables out the back where you could have a few yearlings to pinhook or broodmares to keep a lad busy. All done with a limp of course in case the local authority are watching, you’d hate to have your disability cut.

I would have the dinner ready for the wife when she gets home too, I’d be sound like that. You’d be up to your eyes doing nothing really.

You’d be manic busy alright, oh how tempting, excuse me while I go pay the dreamers tax (lotto)

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Ah I wouldn’t expect a man to be idle, between walking the longtails and as Mac says a few stables out the back where you could have a few yearlings to pinhook or broodmares to keep a lad busy. All done with a limp of course in case the local authority are watching, you’d hate to have your disability cut.

I would have the dinner ready for the wife when she gets home too, I’d be sound like that. You’d be up to your eyes doing nothing really.[/quote]

And if you were lucky she might throw you a few pound to head down to the local to play cards with the lads one night a week and have a few pints of porter.

HP? IBM? Intel?

1 out of 3, you may be using the other 2, I would 100% say your using 1 of theirs products