Munster hurling final 2019

You’d think so but when demand is high the lads doing actual work in a club get the tickets and the members go into the draw.

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4 stand? A bit Fucking greedy don’t mind me saying so.

There were so many in 16 I think, they put them a few up on general sale on the Thursday.

If you went to Chaplin’s or the likes, you’ll always find tickets. Fellas would often stick them behind the bar on matchday

You’d be best off telling that tipp cunt fuck off Edward. You’ll thank me later.

Halifax? How did you find living there.

You shoulda travelled i had one but we got two there on the morning handy enough. Barrys hotel was off the chain beforehand

Grand city. I’ve some family there so for a 19 year old it was a handy option for a summer abroad. Restaurant job was set up for me and stayed with my uncle for a few weeks til I got sorted Have been back a few times since , used it as the start of a five month stint in Canada in 07 then.


You strike me as a lad who’s not afraid of a bit of graft

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Word hard, play harder Mike :sunglasses::ok_hand::ok_hand:


How are you involved, following Kyler around a bar and kissing his hole?


You seem to have a bizarre obsession with Kyle hayes

Ah stop now. You can’t unhitch yourself from that wagon.


Thinking somebody is good at something isn’t an obsession. Kyle Hayes is a class act. I think @glasagusban @anon78624367 @anon61878697 wanted him dropped a few weeks back but he’s probably one of a handful Limerick of players to do themselves justice in the round robin phase.

Only a moron would call for him to be dropped.

He’s buried deeper in him than a character in the human centipede.

Sorry carryharry, I don’t think I can receive PMs yet as I’m new to the forum. In any case the tickets are gone :frowning_face:

If there ever were any tickets. Shame on your for fucking about a forum elder like Harry.

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Or Graeme Mulcahy.


Making up things that other posters said again :rollseyes:

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The manager dropped him for the very next game.

Letting touts on here now. For shame…