Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Stick the knife in now while the going is good… You have the right to distance yourself from Ewan in the future.

The angle I’d go for is “Ah sure here, 2 years ago they were calling the cops on lads at Thomond Park for booing the kicker and now every Munster fan boos the kicker and not a word said. How do things change so much in two years?”




Lots of people were talking to the talk on this one, including our own Ewan.

Seems to be a very serious issue for him.

Hiccups are a very serious business.

There was a poor hoor in the Guinness book of records back in the day got them when he was slaughtering a pig, and had them for sixty odd years til he died. Twould be an awful affliction.

Ah but what caused the hiccups for poor old Conor?

It’s nothing to be sniffed at

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Tom Savage is the lad that runs the ThreeRedKings account

Dick Roberts has been banned from Irish Independent Park and Thomond Park.

Doesn’t go far enough though, should have been a country wide rugby football ground banning order.

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Who is she?

He will miss the Benetton game tomorrow

I trust the IRFU will do the right thing here and have him executed, or worse, made to go to AIL games

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Will the LGBT community ban him from the George as well?


I think it’s a Disgrace munster didn’t issue an apology to Billy vinapola for booing him. Been honest I think it was a racist gesture and would want further clarity on the issue. The man has his beliefs. Dick Roberts is a racist and needs to be called out on it.


Ticket sales apparently so pitiful for their home quarter final tomorrow they have belatedly added a “kids go free” option.

there’ll be plenty of kids in pubs after 7

They’ll (ex players) be handing them out to the public around the river fest tomorrow. I know a lad he got 20 of them all concessions off Tommy ó Donnell.