Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

What Irish rubby team isnt heroic?


Did you watch your province match in Paris yesterday?

I did in me bollix. I didnt even know it was on until O’Dowd bumped the thread.

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You seem to have an extremely basic understanding of team sports. Have you ever played any field sports?

Yes mate. I can confirm I never played a game where my team played well whilst getting hammered

Ah lovely - The Galway man living in Dublin is on to defend his beloved Munster now…


By god…


So if a limited team plays to the best of their ability against a far superior team, is competitive and in with a chance of winning with 70 of 80 minutes played but loses to a few late scores then they can’t have played well?

The game is 80 minutes long mate

Oh look it’s the Boston Patriots number 1 fan. How’s that Stevie G/Tom Brady half and half umbrella holding up in the storm, kid?

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So yes or no to my question, mate?

Ah lovely :smile:

Depends on the team. If its Benetton Treviso or someone then they can put in a big effort and fall away but Munster are one of the aristocrats of European rugby and got hammered and only stayed in the game up until the 70th minute because of an intercept try. Why is a Galway man such a big Munster rugby supporter anyway?

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Guys - it may have been missed but another weekend, another Leinster win. Now is the time for all rugby supporters to get behind Ireland’s most successful province. Get that winning feeling back by cheering on the boys in blue …

That’s ridiculously stupid.

Leinster’s second team is the best team in Ireland

It would be like if Bayern were playing PSG and kept it tight for 80 minutes and then conceded 3 goals in the last ten minutes. Would they have played well?

And a picture above of a Limerick footballer - no wait, TWO Limerick footballers! - waving a cup, of all things, just to cap it all off.