Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

South African rubby culture has really caught on in Munster.

Pretty damning report about this Cronin case in the Indo today.

Has the pharmacist spoken out yet?

Nobody spoke. There was an exchange of written documents, all taken at face value by the investigator. No cross examination. No querying of the chances of two James Cronin’s pitching up to the same pharmacy on the same day with the same complaint. And neither James Cronin apparently twigging that they had got the wrong prescription.


It’s like in entourage when ari gold drives the wrong car home from Mortons.

Just pure dumb bad luck I guess.

Can you post it up?

Nice use of one of Gerry Thornleys favourite phrases “pitching up”

Thank God rugby is a game for gentlemen who conduct themselves with decorum at all times.

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The sweep sweepery will be off the charts with this


A good investigator wouldn’t be long finding all the James cronins in the area

I can’t. It’s a full page article that I was reading when I found the Indo on the coffee table here. So it’s too big to photograph. Someone with an Indo sub will have to do the needful.

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@Mac is the type of cunt that has an indo sub


No probs bud. Don’t bother with it. Would photograph too small to read properly :+1:

Typical sweep sweepery by the rugby set. Publish an article that’s too big to photograph knowing that nobody has an Indo sub.


some beautiful sweep sweepery on Boards

"In fairness I’m from a small town and can think of 5 James Cronins off the top of my head. Scale that up to a city and it’s more likely than you’d think, especially during flu season. Would be entirely different if his name was Tyler Bleyendaal for example, rather than a fairly common combination of Irish names. "

“This had occurred to me as well …with all the professional parts of the IRFU… possibly the most important non playing part is doping … there is most definitely a need for an in-house pharmacy to eliminate any chance of a further disaster”

"I never said his particular life was in danger. I said the mis-dispensing of medicines is extremely dangerous. The pharmacist is lucky that their mistake didn’t have serious health implications on one side. We don’t know if the other party suffered because of the mistake. "

Nothing to see , case closed .

He has photographs and videos of him collecting the medication? Am I reading this right !

James Cronin is clearly the “John Smith” of Ireland.

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