Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

I started it because you were talking out of your ring again. You brought soccer into it.

I was talking facts as I outlined above. Itā€™s a lot easier to earn decent money playing rugby than soccer or any other sport in this country. You having a contract 20 years ago for a few hundred euro a week doesnā€™t change that

Its changed now to decent money?

How many Irish lads are on the starting XV for the provinces. Thats where the decent money is.

Only established internationals in rugby are getting decent money on irfu contracts.

The money in rugby isnt great unless youā€™re on an international contract

So basically you have to be the elite of the elite to earn

50 at least. How many League of Ireland players are on decent money?

All of this is also leaving out the fact that participation levels in soccer dwarf rugby

Throw out a number there for what decent money is and il have a fair stab at telling you how many pros get paid more than that

How many irish lads are in England earning a living or off abroad playing soccer.

There are 4 teams to play professional rugby with on the island. The avenues arent there to go abroad, as a young lad and earn your way like in soccer.

There are in there hole 50 Irish lads starting for the provinces


The central contract situation is a joke. Fair enough the budget is for 15 contracts. But why give them to fellas over 30?

The union is digging into a massive money hole and wages for the likes of sexton and Murray are scandaless when you have plenty of young lads looking for a contract and are hungry to push on.

Had a conversation with a personal finance advisor who works with a few munster players, he was saying the contract renewal talks start in early jan and are usually finished by mid month. No one has heard about the renewals yet and they are expecting cuts in squad numbers. Further to this munster have put all full time admin and youth development officers on PUP from 18th December.

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Not that many really. We can barely fill a squad with lads in the top 2 divisions

Irish young lads playing soccer go to England because itā€™s the only way to earn decent money, not because they wouldnā€™t prefer to stay at home.

What do you mean starting? Sure they donā€™t pick the same team every week, thereā€™s definitely 50 Irish lads at least and I would say more getting regular game time for their province.

Do you want to address the participation levels point at any stage? The more people that play a sport the harder it is to make it and soccer dwarfs rugby in participation

The participation level argument is bullshit. There are more avenues to at least get to a professional level because there are way more professional clubs in soccer.

Youā€™re forgetting the amount of lads on reserves and academies in England that are professionals. Because because arenā€™t in the top divisions doesnā€™t mean they arent earning a living

There are 4 professional teams on the island in rugby. You have to be very elite to get a contract.

Iā€™d say there is 120 odd lads getting that or more

I wouldnā€™t consider it great money tbh considering if your on 50k youl be starting another career soon enough from scratch

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Flannery in Limerick since he was a pup?

Itā€™s a cunt of a thing trying to make a living at

Heā€™s from Limerick.

How many lads in LOI are getting ā‚¬50k I wonder? Of course youā€™ll need a job after but thatā€™s the same for most soccer lads too bar the very elite of the most popular sport in the world.

Rugby is a not very popular sport in terms of playing numbers and clearly the easiest way to earn decent money as a professional sportsman in Ireland

By the arguement put here o gara isnā€™t from cark at all

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Iā€™m not arguing with you at all

Iā€™d bite hand and all of you if I was mid 20s and had the chance to do it for 50kā€¦its just not huge money is allā€¦

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Only catching up nowā€¦ Flannery is from Limerick. Wallace too.


@gilgamboa how many of those 120 are Irish lads, which is yer mans argument

90 or so I supposeā€¦ Are you calling CJ Irish?