Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Hes a citizen but for the arguments sake a lad who grew up here

Bottom line here you have to be elite of elite to earn coin in rugby. A fairly average fella can earn similar coin in soccer

85 or 90 born and bred Irish Iā€™d say so

Holy fuck.

Itā€™s a lot easier to be elite in rugby than soccer because almost nobody plays rugby.

Everybody plays soccer and you have to be in the top 0.0001% to make decent money at it. That isnā€™t average

Theres more money in soccer. There are an order of magnitude more professional clubs. Irish lads are playing professional soccer in the league of ireland, the northern Irish league, Wales, Scotland, England and Europe. Lads went to America to earn money from the League of Ireland for fuck sake

Its easier to be a professional soccer player in this country than a professional rugby player. Whatever way you bake it.

Surely playing pro sports is more appealing?

I would always assume people play the short they like best?

The guys playing pro arenā€™t the issue they will still be there. Its the guys sitting on the bench and giving up the sport altogether as they arenā€™t getting meaningful games etc. How can they enjoy it if they donā€™t play. Rugby is in danger of ending up like American football with nothing outside the academy (college football) or the professional game for adults

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No it isnā€™t. Nobody plays rugby, everybody plays soccer. You are ignoring this point. It is a lot harder to be a professional footballer as you are competing with way more people.

Even at that weā€™ll take @gilgamboa at his word that 90 or so Irish lads are earning over ā‚¬50k a year. I couldnā€™t see many more than 100 Irish professional footballers earning more than that in a year despite so many more soccer players being out there

Theres lads in premier league academies earning more than that for fuck sake.

Theres lads getting 2k a week in league 2 across the water

At the very top clubs maybe but there arenā€™t many Irish lads there

Plenty of Irish lads making a rugby career in the Top 2 divisions in England and France as well as a few in north america and the southern hemisphere.


Loads out there. Saying that in the English championship many clubs are gone back part time. Nottingham have sorted a lot of lads out woth professional services bs jobs

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The percentage of people playing pro soccer is tiny ā€¦ Itā€™s incredibly hard to make it as a lower level pro not to mind higher. Itā€™s far easier to make it at rubbyā€¦ Itā€™s not even close

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That is shocking money for a professional footballer. Thats just above the average industrial wage mate.

How many professional rugby sides are there versus soccer sides?
Theres an order of magnitude more money flying around in soccer


Yes its shocking money yet a lot more than most LOI players earn

I suppose they can work away too to be fair.

From memory, a bunch who never made the grade at Munster like Sean Scanlon, Ben Betts and David Johnston are jobbing around the second tier in England while Paddy Butler, Sean Dougall and Tim Ryan are in France along with a load of ex Ulster men

Would they be getting the magic 50k?

No idea