Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Sounds like he is moving back to SAā€¦ Def good to get out on own terms alrightā€¦ A great servant for Munster a Hardy buck


He could have been shafted with a low ball contract offer too and decided heā€™d had enough.

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He said he wants to go home and raise his family in South Africa. I know remote learning is in in a big way of late, but that might be a stretch.

Interesting that heā€™s leaving Ireland at the first opportunity. He was held up as the project player that settled in Ireland and made it his home.


Surely Farrell shouldnā€™t pick him this weekend or for subsequent games, if heā€™s building for 2023?

Itā€™s a business, thereā€™s no loyalty.

Thereā€™s no sympathy in this game for any man

He was blackguarded something shocking when he came over first. Worked very hard to make it and win over the Munster ā€œfaithfulā€. Foley was massive in his success.

Make an example of the cunt

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Munster / Ireland wouldnā€™t be long fucking him off either if it suited. Heā€™s getting there first is all.

Fuck him.

Hopefully it means more chances for irish lads.

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How is he leaving at the first

Heā€™d have been offered big money in France.

Iā€™d say itā€™s more to do with the wife being completely sick of lockdown and wanting out.

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Heā€™s retired because he doesnā€™t want to live in Ireland

So your initial comment was nonsense? He could have left multiple times before. This wasnā€™t the first opportunity to leave as you stated.

Heā€™s retired because he doesnā€™t want to end up a complete fucking vegetable. Can you blame him?

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First opportunity when his career was over. Before that heā€™s just a professional sportsman doing his job

Lockdown in Limerick must be pretty fucking grim for a South African.

Did you expect him to live in Munster for ever?

White South Africans are on permanent lockdown in SA.