Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

I have a date with a Saffie today. Iā€™ll ask her to comment on your sentimentsā€¦

Of course the lovely Jean Marie is behind this decision.

As it should be.

Great to see the two most popular threads on the forum this morning are discussing the retirement of a rugby player.

Odd that he announced it now and not wait until after last 6 nations game

Will be join list of Munster legends?
The Claw
The Bull

Fucking hell, youā€™ve left out some of the biggest ones there :rollseyes:

Join them where? One is dead and another is bankrupt.

List too big to type them all, Iā€™d be typing all day

Some of the greatest people on this island have gone bankrupt, thereā€™s no shame in it.



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Ewan abused Jean Marie on Twitter. No surprise they upped sticks.

What was said to her?

CJ didnā€™t fancy the cold weather. Johann will be onto Rassie to ship over another failed saffer to take his place.

South African by birth, Munster by the grace of the IRFU.


Stage ten of seething.

Big Dog!

Isnā€™t CJ and his family farmers? Could be going back to help the auld lad out

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Yep dairy and vegetables.

Oh sorry, I didnā€™t mean to rile you.

Cjs retirement for family reasons has really triggered a few lads this morning.