Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Out with it then. Don’t be bashful.

I’m not being bashful, you claim to know, but if doesnt appear if you are vaguely familiar with what happened. I told you already. He took the money instead of staying and growing his game and challenging for a jersey which was there to be fought for post O’Gara.

You’re making stuff up. You know fuck all about the situation. Out with it if you do. If it’s true it’s not libel.

I’m not making anything up.

Do you know what he was told by the Irish set up at the time?

The Irish set up? Go on?


You’re a gas cunt :rofl:

I know he peruses this place occasionally. He can tell us himself if he wishes.

Good man :rofl:

After an exhausting read through nearly 300 posts there, I’m delighted to announce @Halfpipe as the clear and obvious winner of the tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte with forum quisling @ChairmanDan.


@Halfpipe is a formidable foe.

A solid contributor.

You’re not that admiring of it when it’s the mercenary cunts coming in this direction


Halfpipe is a halfwit.

This is a strawman. I have no issue at all with this. Playing for the national team I have an issue with. I’ve been clear and consistent on this.

I don’t know what is more reassuring, having the heavyweights recognise the quality of posts or having simpletons like @BruidheanChaorthainn criticising them. To be fair to @ChairmanDan he wasn’t on his game at all, he came in pronouncing Marcus Horan as Shannon’s most capped player and got himself in such a spin he couldn’t figure out of it was Peter Stringer or John Hayes by the time he exited. I have no doubt at all he will bounce back from his sorry showing here.
What we can all agree on now is that it would be a lovely finish to CJs career and a huge boost to his club if he gets more Lions caps this summer to cement his legend further as Shannon’s most decorated, it could be a very long time before they see his likes again.


Clermont love a flaky outhalf.

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I’m far more intelligent than you. Your a nasty piece of goods that tried to push an agenda I was mocking kids with special needs last week.
