Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Matches cancelled they are getting out of there today I’m hearing

Are they doing the mandatory hotel quarantine when they get back?

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SA back on the red list for tanland. Read something a bit worrying about this new variant, but scaremongering sells, so 🤷

Munster leaving South Africa as we speak it seems.

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They’ve chosen not to Stand Up and Fight this new variant.

Looks like they’ll be stuck in South Africa for another while

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@chocolatemice would be loving this if he were still alive.

Oul @dodgy_keeper is stuck out there with them.

He’s under the bed with the RTE Guide cover of Claire Byrne.

This would be very interesting

They’ll have a fella from the stands wearing jeans thrown in full forward.

Brown shoes a must. This lad will have his day of redemption in Coventry


Whats this about mate?

Casey for Murray then yes

A team of players who aren’t stuck in SA

Agree. Not fair having young fellas chasing box kicks

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He has young AN other playing twice there. He’s a versatile chap but it might be a bit much for him


Nine (9) cases.

There’ll need to be an investigation into this.

And there we were thinking that to the Brave and Faithful nothing was impossible.

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The doctors will come in handy.