Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2020

Hard to argue with any of that.

Has Babs had his say in The Sun?

John Kiely, Paul Kinnerk and this current crop of players can do fuck all about how the bookies price up a game and you can be assured it won’t enter their heads.

Must sting a little bit for a blue blood though to have Little Old Limerick priced up against Tipp

It’s encouraging to see counties getting their structures sorted out. Cork have a bit of a stylistic problem at the moment and you can see it with their club hurling too. Cork are playing a brand of almost non-contact hurling which directly leads to their habit of capitulating against any kind of meaningful physicality. It works well early in the intercounty season when refs are stricter but as the game is allowed to flow later in the championship they’ve no steel to turn a game that’s getting away from them.

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For fuck sakes. :smile:

cc @padjo

Job of the bainisteor and team leaders I’d say.
My take is that outside kk where, like NZ it’s effectively a single sport area, so all the talent flows that way, it’s serendipity in as much as

  1. A team needs a bit of luck
  2. Whilst skill levels are excellent in general, it needs a contemporaneous crop of lads big enough and hardy enough and skilful enough. This is a matter of underage structures keeping such lads interested and, crucially, focussed, but the spine of any team either has the mental strength to give it a go, or it doesn’t. This can’t be coached. It’s in your rearing and your genetics.
  3. It needs the good luck to have lads with the speed to go with the skill. This can be honed, but, by and large, you’re explosive off the mark, or you’re not.
  4. Teams who win write the history, but, whilst I hate the cnuts for breaking my heart too often, kk folk are the soundest hurling people you’d ever encounter, and there is less bollox talked by kk than most other counties. They just get on and hurl.

Tipp have no issue going into next week as plucky underdogs.

I’m sure Sheedy will have them as well prepared as possible but it’s just not realistic to expect to beat this Limerick juggernaut with a game under their belt.

very clever. You pretending not to be an arrogant Tipp cunt will have a huge bearing on the result

@Kid_Chocolate nailed the current situation


Keep your powder dry mate. We have weeks to do that.


Not sure about his point that the main bright spot was lads who were 5 or 6 in 95’. They’d all have been overage for the 2012,13 and 14’ U21 titles.

Bit of the Frank Murphy syndrome in Clare it seems.

Fitz senior getting all the blame when they lose and none of the credit when they are successful.


Is this true that Kilkenny is a single sport area. Some good footballers from.there

Edit. Looks like 220 underage football team’s
Ladies team’s
A floodlit league and loads of adults team

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Think he was referring to the late 90s when Loughnane team were in their prime and were the role models to that generation as opposed to just one year

That is why I said the end of the decade. I don’t think their current team is good enough but I expect them to really start churning out a better quality of player over the next 5 to 10 years.

Tongue in cheek mate.

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Don’t know myself. There’s a few professionals in a back room team that probably don’t come too cheap. Mileage expenses for every player probably add up to a lot. Food after every training session, medical expenses. Training camp trips. I’m only speculating on the specifics but I’m sure it wouldn’t be long adding up.

It’s actually gas. Hegarty fist pumped every fucking free he won.

