Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2020

So nobody from Limerick can say something critical about Cork because we used to be shit? Or nobody from a supposed weaker county can make an observation about stronger counties?

Saying that you don’t think Cork are good enough to win the All-Ireland isn’t even a criticism really, it’s an opinion which is totally fair.

It’s not as if Cork supporters in the main disagree. They have some classy players alright, and they have some good young players coming through. But I think Dan Kearney and Darragh Fitzgibbon are both massive losses for this season.

I don’t think a team with Cahalane & O’Donoghue in the full-back line, Joyce at HB and Lehane & Walsh at HF will win an All-Ireland.

They do have some good quality coming through at underage alright but how many are in the problem positions is probably the question. Like the 20s full-back line last year got utterly mauled, maybe Millerick is the one. Someone to take the load off Harnedy in attack too.


It’s not a lot though. It’s two goals in the bones of a decade. In those ten games I would say that Horgan probably has 5 goals in those games and Cadogan at least 2 despite probably only playing in hand of them

Lehane was box office in 2017 I think, was it that year he got the catch ‘n’ swivel point agin Waherfud? Has been in and out of games in the years since, Horgan and Harnedy far more important players.

Kingston looked in good form in the league, looks to have a bit of blunt force about him too which Cork need.

He played wing forward and in the half forward line a good bit as well.

I was referring in the main to the mentality and soft, wont do it in the winter comments.

They arent a million miles behind any panel. Sure limerick are favourites and our full back line is a bomb scare

And? I am not arguing his ability or position he plays I am just pointing out that your argument that he has scored a lot of imports goals is incorrect

Fitzgibbon is a huge loss, so much so that I honestly can’t see them perform at the required level without his energy driving them on

I don’t think they’re a million miles away but actually winning the All-Ireland is another matter altogether. I don’t think they’re good enough tbh. If they prove me wrong, fair fucks to them.

Soft is a word that’s thrown about, it’s not something you can really quantify. But have the Cork forwards delivered way less tackles than their counterparts in the last couple of season? Yes. The match against Kilkenny last year was pitiful.

Theoretically, that’s possibly one of the easier things to fix but it probably needs to be accompanied by changes in shape & personnel. They’ve struggled on their own puckouts since 2017 to be perfectly honest. Maybe Kingston can re-invigorate them in that sense.

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in many ways was it that much of a gamble, the young lads were there, he coached some of them at minor, they did well with bertie og at under 21, their time was coming and there wasnt any older lads of much use

JBM was out the gap though if they didnt perform. Big pressure on him going into that game

I haven’t noticed a lack of work rate from Cork in the forwards at all.

The only thing I think they’re maybe deficient in is the quality of ball out of the backs. The full back line wouldn’t be comfortable moving it through the lines.

I think theyd be better off playing a more direct game.

puck outs an issue, i expect the reason Aidan Walsh is still getting picked, at least he can contest them

people give out about him but he was missed v kilkenny last year

Maybe the sample size isn’t big enough but it’s still 6 games last season. I would agree that maybe some of their players deliver poor ball which contributes but the HF/MF were the reason they lost to Kilkenny, the backs were hung out to dry.

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Mickey O’Connell was firing them over from out the field way before it was cool

Ah jesus.


Cork have never recovered from losing to Limerick in the AI semi final. It’s taken away some of their Corkness… Fitzgibbon played a huge part in that by taunting Richie English after a score was put over…that really woke Limerick up and it was all one way traffic after that. A bit like Mul making bits of Spillane in de Pairc, it was a huge turning point in the semi final.


I’ve seen cork live 3 or 4 times recently and the work rate was never noticeably bad. They shut limerick down from the front on a couple of occasions. Not easy.

Are they not cousins?

Like Niall Moran and Eoin Kelly?

Stop it now.

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There’s summat wrong when a hip.injury is putting a young lad out for a year.