Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2020

Very common im afraid. Too many games at a young age.

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22 less tackles per game on average in 2019 compared to Limerickā€¦

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Yeah. I realized after I typed it but with no Corkness left in em they are all the same now.

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And they turned over a similar amount of ball to most teams.

Work smart.

What was the score in the limerick and cork match in 2019?

He should be tied up in a room and made watch videos of Lar Corbettā€™s movement

Youā€™re not going to turnover with every tackle; in fact, itā€™s arguably more important to just hinder the delivery of the ball so the opposition forward doesnā€™t have it all their own way.

Cork were good against Limerick last year, but Limerick were both very lethargic and had an utter meltdown on the Cork puckouts. Cork just langered it long and Limerick couldnā€™t cope. That did not work for the rest of the season. Kilkenny just ate them alive, for example.

Kilkenny ate us alive at times as well on both sides of the ball

Kilkenny outworked us that day, there was a savageness about their tackling too. But it was probably getting out-thought tactically that probably lost it for us. Actually it looked like Lohan tried to employ a similar tactic to Cody last weekend but without any of the same intensity from the Clare forwards.

We hit a rake of bad wides and tackled as hard as kilkenny after Declan went off.

The margins are small. Cork are very much in contention

Corks work rate wasnt too bad last year when they beat Limerick on Limerckā€™s home turf in the munster championship

does anyone question Limerick work rate, 3 counties beat Limerick in the 2019 championship!

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Youā€™ll be peddling that oul shit for many years Iā€™d say :grinning:

Fitzgibbon is absolute class, Corks most important player, and I include Horgan

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We hit 5 brutal, and very scoreable, wides that just killed us ā€¦ we were ontop for most of that second half and could never get our noses in front.

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We were out worked early on because we were playing with 14 men and a statue and looked at it for 35 minutes.

So easy blame work rate

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Cork forwards getting the blame for cork being flakey when Iā€™m all reality theyā€™re the part of the team keeping cork competitive. You couldnā€™t make it up.

What age is Lehane anyway? Horgan was hardly much better than him his younger years. Tony Kelly has probably had as many anonymous games as Lehane but gets a pass for it.

28 lehane is. Kelly doesnā€™t get a pass to be fair. He is fairly bemoaned inside in Clare and outside as well.

He has all the attributes but is very gung-ho ā€¦ He takes on long distance scores way too often where if he simply looked up he could pick out a forward. If he becomes a bit more of a team player heā€™ll be far more dangerous.

He isnā€™t castigated for being flakey the way Lehane is.

We hit wides because Kilkenny applied serious pressure to our shooters and forced us to take shots from less-than-optimum positions. Probably should have been more accurate all the same, but we were always chasing the game.

Margins are small but as @fenwaypark said, the difference between making a semi-final and winning a final is enormous. And I would venture further to say that there is actually a huge amount of work needed to turn a one-point loss into a one-point win.

I donā€™t think Cork will win an All-Ireland this year based upon the players they currently have available. I would bet almost any amount of money on that. Thatā€™s not to say they wonā€™t be contenders in 2021.

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If Cork won in 2018 do you think they wouldnā€™t have beat Galway?