Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024…part 2

Barron was in HOTY form that year too but had a virus leading up to the final and ended up being taken off with 8 or 9 minutes left.

But that should have only been the start and not the end for that team.

2017 was an All Ireland Final there to be won. It was against Galway who have lost something like 20 of the 25 All Ireland Finals they’ve appeared in. Not a generational team like Kilkenny in 2008 or Limerick 2020.

I’d imagine though Joe Canning thanks his lucky stars that after all the finals he lost that at least there was one where Waterford rocked up as opposition.

Galway had never beaten Waterford in the Championship before that that game

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Galway haven’t beaten them since either. A bad for Waterford to go and lose to Galway for the one and only time.

When was the last time they met in championship?

21 I think. Didn’t they play them in the Gaelic grounds

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I was at it in Thurles. Joe Cannings last game.


Woukd ye not have the balls to sack him?

Soccer style contract. They’d have to pay him for another 4 years

Don’t think so

Waterford unlucky that Tom Devine went travelling that Summer too. Went well against Galway back-line in the league that year…

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This rubby league/hurling hybrid they’ve created is fascinating to watch in fairness. Rulebook seems to have gone out the window. Teams need to create a new style/hybrid to counter it, something like a Tom Brady 50 yard throw downtown to a fella who ddts anyone in his way. As much related to hurling as the current situation

“Fascinating to watch”.

It’s putrid stuff, 49 shots and hardly a sniff of a goal.

Gang tackling in numbers with illegal use of the spare arm and Hurley.

When they get the ball, they throw and step their way to the shooter.

The sad thing as you said is there is no alternative but to join them.

The scoring/shooting in hurling as a whole is totally scandalous and it’s being facilitated by throwing/steps. Our great game is being ruined.


I don’t disagree with most of that but I do find it fascinating to watch. They’ve made up their own hybrid rubby/hurling/throwball version of the game and are laying waste to all comers more or less.

I hope we throw and step our way to another 5 All Ireland’s… You’ll be in a mental ward or dead from an aneurysm long before then.


They have and will continue to do so but I’d hardly call it fascinating.

Your a real gawdhelpus. It would be lousy to call you a misfortune but Limericks success and Tipps rough patch have really affected you.

JP won’t go on forever mate, then rubby hurling will be gone and this will all be like a bad dream

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Classless talk but what’s would you expect from new money hurling followers who follow LFC/SUAF & now Limerick.

Look, you don’t really understand the Game of hurling so please return to the LFC thread like a good man.

You can’t even type you’re so rattled :joy: