Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024…part 2

I find it very amusing when lads throw at you your an event merchant or whatever the term is when the whole round robin / super eights is the biggest load of rubbish going.

How many lads are getting crippled now just to try and win an all Ireland because of these new formats and scheduling.

Were you born yesterday :joy::joy::joy:

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There was tremendous respect between the Clare and Limerick players post game too. The Clare players made a B line for a certain Limerick too after the game. That’s real class.

Compare that to the howling and abuse thrown at refs and players from the stands.

These fellas all have lifes away from hurling too. There’ll be nobody wanting to ref any games for a finish.

That’s harsh on Derek. He took over a Waterford team very much in transition in 2014. The first year was a struggle (as was Kiely’s in Limerick) but thereafter it was steady progress from 2015-17. Obviously they were a little bit too formulaic and cautious in their approach but he would probably rank as Waterford’s most successful manager of the last 15 years. He took them closer to the Holy Grail than any other manager in the modern era. 2018 was a disaster but in fairness to him he stepped away directly after it. He should’ve gotten more out of Stephen Bennett considering the heights that he’s reached since but aside from that and the Munster Final of 2016 I find that criticism of him is OTT. He hasn’t pushed on in his coaching career since though. Underwhelming stints with Faythe Harriers and erm Laois minors.

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Lads born in the naughtiness thinking fans enjoying a bit of sledging with rival fans and players is a new thing :joy:


Leahy, Davy Fitz, Donal Og, John Mullane are a few that spring to mind that used get dogs abuse from rival fans. The Limerick terrace used to give Mullane lots of it… I think it was 2003 he gave us the two fingers?

@Phil_Leotardo we made the centre of the leader double page pull out that day i think :clap:

But but but the split season


He gave a pep talk to the Carlow U20 footballers before they lost to Wexford in the 2021 championship. A real dual man so he is.

I’m a bit young for it but, from the stories told, a lot of the 90s was vicious enough in terms of abuse of players. It’s a fair bit tamer now in that regard. A societal thing more than anything, I suppose.

The stuff aimed at Joe Quaid from some of my own crowd (in the terraces) was disgraceful

I don’t think anybody could argue that Derek did improve Waterford generally. He obviously has something and I’d say that (much like Davy) that he’s a good man for a team who are down on their fortunes, give them a bit of structure & organisation, get them playing a certain way.

In terms of actually winning something though… he wouldn’t be the one I’d look to. I think there’s only so far you can get with such negative tactics. You’ll beat the weaker teams and the badly-organised but it’ll only take you so far.

I think McGrath did as much as he could with Waterford, I think Cahill improved them in his first couple of years but they still didn’t get over the line; they were probably a little unfortunate that by 2020 Limerick were a more refined team. 2018 was a probably a big missed opportunity in terms of all the injuries they had.

EDIT- As it stands, the Limerick club Championship is really opening up for Doon. Na Piarsaigh are down their two best forwards, the Well have lost two big players, Graeme is another year older, Doon currently have no injuries compared to absolute shitshow last year.

If Derek gets them over the line for the first time, he’ll be forever loved out there. I think, on paper, they should be winning it. But they are Doon…


What’s up with Mcinerney or is he likely to be back for munster final?

It used to be bad… You still get it in the terrace but not half as bad. Mullane used to get it bad from us. Donal Og got some awful stuff from all opponents.

You’d still regularly see auld lads explode at each other in the stands today tho. That’s great craic as it’s proper het up… Not drink fuelled stuff from young lads.


An old pal of mine who played full forward for Cork would regale me about the type of shite that they’d throw at Davy Fitz in particular back in those days


Cunt :joy:

Who are the well short …

Josh Considine, Jordan Higgins, possibly Nigel Foley aswell.

John Flynn has a bad oul injury too; I’m guessing he’ll be back but not sure when.

And, like, SOB is 34 this year, I think. Not the player he was. And I don’t think they have any new players compared to last year. They’ll still be good but Doon definitely have more talent available.

Doon have a team of inter county hurlers - most played at least u20 with limerick.

Adam English coming of age too. Derek will have him sweeping though.

How’s Richie English recovery coming along? Heard he played a club game?

They’re not coming down off the finest land/women in the country to watch fellas mullocking…


Derek is well liked in Doon by all accounts and they are very much one of the teams on my radar for the Club Championships this year.

One of the Limerick’s will correct me here I’m sure but i think they’ve always been missing at least one of Richie English, Darragh O’Donovan, Barry Murphy or Pat Ryan every year in Championship for the past 7 or 8 seasons. Now they’ve Adam English there too and they really should have beaten Na Piarsaigh last year.

4/1 is skimpy enough though when there are 4 genuine contenders there. I don’t think you can draw a line through any of the other three yet.

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You’d get the sense that they’ll win it well if they are to win it. Serious mileage on the other contenders and it is the pivotal year for the established county lads.