National Football League 2015

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1102039, member: 2533”]What’s so experimental about it? A lot of those lads have experience in the positions named and most of them have played those positions in the league so far. The only odd one seems to be Cadogan and Collins at midfield and full forward but that to me suggests they will play with a 2 man full forward line and Collins out at midfield where he played against Monaghan.

Are you getting your excuses in early?[/QUOTE]
You really have no clue. 2 weeks ago you going in about the size of Cork around the middle whereas last week Donegal exposed how small Cork actually are without MaGuire.

How is predicting Kerry will win getting excuses in? And I have been consistent enough in my questioning of this Cork management.
I am able to view the team I follow in a logical and wide focus. There has been improvements, but with the pick if footballers in Cork that would happen with rotation anyway.
The continued subbing of Donnacha O Connor also has to be queried. One week ya to mind him, but twice? Makes no sense as he was superb against Monaghan and has the nous to unlock Kerry. I have great time for John O’ Rourke but he isn’t that type of player.

It’s massively experimental.
1x 2; The Tom Clancy’s are both out of position
3; a full back at midfield
4; A previously tried, occasional, corner back at No. 6
5; A midfielder/Half forward at full forward - even if he does withdraw there is a skill to that as well, he has never played that role before.

That’s a 1/3rd of the team in experimental mode. You can writes realms of objections to that while you steal from your boss if you like, but that’s the reality and that’s how it’s seen here. People have differing views, some say don’t show Kerry too much and experiment away, some are more of my thinking. But there is absolutely no doubt it’s experimental.

And who would you put no. 6?

If you actually saw the 3 cork games to date you would realise they have no played ye same way every game.

Bomber gone very quite

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1102047, member: 273”]You really have no clue. 2 weeks ago you going in about the size of Cork around the middle whereas last week Donegal exposed how small Cork actually are without MaGuire.

How is predicting Kerry will win getting excuses in? And I have been consistent enough in my questioning of this Cork management.
I am able to view the team I follow in a logical and wide focus. There has been improvements, but with the pick if footballers in Cork that would happen with rotation anyway.
The continued subbing of Donnacha O Connor also has to be queried. One week ya to mind him, but twice? Makes no sense as he was superb against Monaghan and has the nous to unlock Kerry. I have great time for John O’ Rourke but he isn’t that type of player.

It’s massively experimental.
1x 2; The Tom Clancy’s are both out of position
3; a full back at midfield
4; A previously tried, occasional, corner back at No. 6
5; A midfielder/Half forward at full forward - even if he does withdraw there is a skill to that as well, he has never played that role before.

That’s a 1/3rd of the team in experimental mode. You can writes realms of objections to that while you steal from your boss if you like, but that’s the reality and that’s how it’s seen here. People have differing views, some say don’t show Kerry too much and experiment away, some are more of my thinking. But there is absolutely no doubt it’s experimental.[/QUOTE]

Cork are a very big physical team, my stance has not changed on this one iota. I’d imagine they would have one of the biggest teams on average in the country. If Donegal beat them it wasn’t for the reasons you’ve outlined.

Cadogan won’t play in midfield and Collins won’t play full forward.

Also if a defender can’t adjust from a subtle change from the corner to wing back or full back to a corner in the modern game then questions should be asked - not as if these lads are novices or anything.

It sounds like you’re making excuses - the team is not experimental.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1102056, member: 2533”]Cork are a very big physical team, my stance has not changes on this one iota. I’d imagine they would have one of the biggest teams onumber average in the country. If Donegal beat them it wasn’t for the reasons you’ve outlined.

Cadogan won’t play in midfield and Collins won’t play full forward.

Also if a defender can’t adjust from a subtle change from the corner to wing back or full back to a corner in the modern game then questions should be asked - not as if these lads are novices or anything.

It sounds like you’re making excuses - the team is not experimental.[/QUOTE]
All it sounds like is that you haven’t a clue. If you can’t see the different skills from corner to wing back then you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought.
Cork, last Sunday at least, were the smallest middle 8 in Div. 1

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1102062, member: 273”]All it sounds like is that you haven’t a clue. If you can’t see the different skills from corner to wing back then you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought.
Cork, last Sunday at least, were the smallest middle 8 in Div. 1[/QUOTE]

I never said that. I said that if a modern player can’t handle a subtle adjustment from corner to wing back or full back to the corner then it doesn’t auger well. Players may have a preferred position where they perform better but it’s hardly experimental to expect a guy who may usually play im the corner to play wing back.

Look at the way the likes of Cooper and McMahon do it for Dublin. McGlynn, McGee and McGrath for Donegal. Fitzgerald and Murphy for Kerry. I could go on and on and on - it’s not experimental and it’s not as if this will be alien for those guys, I’m sure they’ve played there before whether it’s their best position or not is a different matter. Sounds to me like you’re getting your excuses ready.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1102083, member: 2533”]I never said that. I said that if a modern player can’t handle a subtle adjustment from corner to wing back or full back to the corner then it doesn’t auger well. Players may have a preferred position where they perform better but it’s hardly experimental to expect a guy who may usually play im the corner to play wing back.

Look at the way the likes of Cooper and McMahon do it for Dublin. McGlynn, McGee and McGrath for Donegal. Fitzgerald and Murphy for Kerry. I could go on and on and on - it’s not experimental and it’s not as if this will be alien for those guys, I’m sure they’ve played there before whether it’s their best position or not is a different matter. Sounds to me like you’re getting your excuses ready.[/QUOTE]

As I said, it’s not experimental - maybe that’s abother word you fail to understand the true meaning on.

“As I said, it’s not experimental - maybe that’s abother word you fail to understand the true meaning on.”
= white

For fucks sake, fuck off the both of you.

agreed , the thread is ruined with this juvenile " i must have the last word " rubbish
anyway or anyways as people from Louth say ill be attending Dublin v Tyrone tomorro night
@Sidney pints later?

Get fucked fitzy. I simply put up a team.

ah FFS kev, “nasty comment”, as if O Leary wouldnt have been giving it back ten times worse, this whole the poor Cork boys are all offended about been called gay, slow, SIPTU , dopey tree surgeon etc is fucking pathetic TBH.
the carry on from a few cork lads in the crowd when Galvin comes on, kicks a score is fucking embarrassing, he has owned O Leary in any contest that ever mattered between them, O Learys “big game” huff and puff performance in a national league game in ring park in feburary just dosent cut it. the whole inferiority complex the cork football crowd towards Kerry and Galvin in particular is the reason why they have underachieved so much

You do.

No kev, you fuck off. Set up a separate thread for you and your boyfriend to fight in and stop clogging up every fucking football related thread on the board with your fucking pissing competition.

This is my thread, bozo. Sling your hook if you don’t like it.

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 1102099, member: 367”]ah FFS kev, “nasty comment”, as if O Leary wouldnt have been giving it back ten times worse, this whole the poor Cork boys are all offended about been called gay, slow, SIPTU , dopey tree surgeon etc is fucking pathetic TBH.
the carry on from a few cork lads in the crowd when Galvin comes on, kicks a score is fucking embarrassing, he has owned O Leary in any contest that ever mattered between them, O Learys “big game” huff and puff performance in a national league game in ring park in feburary just dosent cut it. the whole inferiority complex the cork football crowd towards Kerry and Galvin in particular is the reason why they have underachieved so much[/QUOTE]

I’m assuming its the “hanging” quip that is reportedly attributed to Galvin. I have heard from a pretty reliable source (albeit a Kerry one) that that was a viscous and untrue rumour. It also goes against the way both players speak of each other since then, as if something like that was said, O Leary wouldnt have any time for Galvin, but yet it is on record that both admire each other and have texted each other.

yeah look, i heard that too, not sure if posting it up here is worthwhile as its all he said , she said type shit,
i agree that they are said to be decent mates off the park which really puts paid to the silly “booing” of the cork support
bottom line is that Galvin has mugged off Cork on many occasions, medals in back pocket, etc… cork football would be better served in trying to get a decent HB line together as if not he he’ll tear them a new one again next august


advice mate
young lad sick all week, off creche, herself going spare and now on the saturday im planning on leaving the house at 3 to go on the drink till about 11p to the double header