National Football League 2015

I think its more a consequence than a demand… nearly every team has at least one extra man in defence so defenders don’t get exposed nowadays…if anything I think there is less and less good defenders , as in man markers, in the game now because its all about bodies behind the ball in a system…

For sure, very few good man markers left. More of a requirement for pacey defenders who can make interceptions and carry the ball out of defence. Monaghan do have a few very good man markers in their ranks though.

You are dealing with a complete fool here with no understanding of the game.
I’d like to see him find other games when SOD played no. 6, Collins No. 14 and Cadogan midfield. It never happened before at IC level.

It’s mind boggling arguing from a weirdo in secure troll.

Man markers still very important. Certainly less of them, but forwards still need to be minded. Reducing a top forward to a point or two less than his average can make a huge difference. There has been an increase in athletic defenders there to carry ball out. Dirty haulers and draggers are a thing of the past, due to rule changes. That’s no harm really.
However more players than ever can actually tackle properly.

Like the ones Colm O Neill and Hurley tore apart?:smiley:

Colin Walshe, Drew Wylie and Dessie Mone are very good man markers.

Dessie Mone FFS.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1103779, member: 273”]You are dealing with a complete fool here with no understanding of the game.
I’d like to see him find other games when SOD played no. 6, Collins No. 14 and Cadogan midfield. It never happened before at IC level.

It’s mind boggling arguing from a weirdo in secure troll.[/QUOTE]

Shane O’Donoghue played at full back yesterday, not 6 from the 10 mins I saw of the game and as per the journalists who saw the game. There are plenty of stills showing him marking Donaghy as well.

Eoin Cadogan played at midfield for Cork already this year in the Munster equivalent of McKenna Cup.

You were getting your excuses in early and made a right twat out of yourself in doing so.


Very good attacking wing back and a good tackler, but not a man-marker. Completely exposing yourself here again.

Mone made his name as a sticky corner back. He’s only being playing as a wing back since O’Rourke came in. There’s only one person showing themselves as clueless in this exchange and it’s not me.

Moving on.
How good does Donnacha O’ Connor have to be to get his place. 20 mins and 4 points off two feet.
The bizarre ignorance of obvious skill continues to be ignored in Cork.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1103804, member: 273”]Moving on.
How good does Donnacha O’ Connor have to be to get his place. 20 mins and 4 points off two feet.
The bizarre ignorance of obvious skill continues to be ignored in Cork.[/QUOTE]

Just to clarify, we are moving on after Kevin got exposed for not knowing a player nominated twice for a corner back all star ever played there.

He was taken out if there because of his fouling you muppet. As well as being more suited and athletically disposed to play on the wing. He was in the corner because of the old view of getting your most talented players on the field no matter what the position. It’s a club attitude brought into county.

He was taken out of there because of the emergence of Colin Walshe and the ability to free him up further out field. He was nominated for two all stars as a corner back, mainly for the excellent man marking jobs he carried out on some of the best forwards in the game.

The vast majority of his Monaghan career has been played at corner back, something you embarrassingly seemed unaware of - yet it doesn’t seemed to have stopped you commenting authoritatively on even after your spoofing was exposed.

Have some more rope.


How many points did Gooch Cooper get from play off Dessie Mone in their Championship meetings in 07 and 08?

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1103813, member: 2533”]He was taken out of there because of the emergence of Colin Walshe and the ability to free him up further out field. He was nominated for two all stars as a corner back, mainly for the excellent man marking jobs he carried out on some of the best forwards in the game.

The vast majority of his Monaghan career has been played at corner back, something you embarrassingly seemed unaware of - yet it doesn’t seemed to have stopped you commenting authoritatively on even after your spoofing was exposed.

Have some more rope.[/QUOTE]
He was moved to allow him attack more as he is more suited to that role.

How many times did he foul Goich.

Your judgement on forwards scoring from play seems to ignore backs fouling them. Which is pretty bizarre.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1103824, member: 273”]He was moved to allow him attack more as he is more suited to that role.

How many times did he foul Goich.

Your judgement on forwards scoring from play seems to ignore backs fouling them. Which is pretty bizarre.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know how many times he fouled him. Do you?

I do know that over the course of their two meetings he kept Cooper a very peripheral figure in the game and greatly minimised his influence. He rightfully carved a reputation out for himself under Banty as one of the best man markers in the game and now under O’Rourke he has established himself as the best wing back in the game.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1103826, member: 2533”]I don’t know how many times he fouled him. Do you?

I do know that over the course of their two meetings he kept Cooper a very peripheral figure in the game and greatly minimised his influence. He rightfully carved a reputation out for himself under Banty as one of the best man markers in the game and now under O’Rourke he has established himself as the best wing back in the game.[/QUOTE]
They are some serious drugs you are on.

So how many fouls did he give away? You continue to run away, like a big yellow Cark chicken.