National Football League 2015

Have the Dublin players backed Derry?

Great score from Connolly.


That was embarrassing stuff from Dublin. No pressure being applied on Derry at all and the predictability of their attacks is being their undoing, they don’t seem to be able to vary their play and constantly running into the tackles, they are also showing a complete lack of patience, when you play a team who are well organised like Derry you need to start probing and moving the ball quickly back and forth and wait until the opportunity presents itself. Dublin are running in straight lines and right into trouble time and time again and shooting from angles where scores are not on.

Derry are missing about 8 or 9 starters out there whereas it’s a near full strength Dublin side.

Highly dumb football from Dublin but would suspect Dublin will win it if they start putting the squeeze on Derry high up.

Kildare 0-5 Laois 0-5
Dogshit conditions, Laois were playing with the strong wind in the 1st half

Declan O’Sullivan is some mong.

Dublin fans booing the Derry team because their own team played an extremely dumb brand of football in the first half.

Does Gavin ban his players from using the foot pass? They are hand passing drones.

Heavron has had a very good game for Derry.

Kildare 0-10 Laois 0-5
20 mins to go

Bring back Paddy Bradley.

Goal for Laois, cuts Kildare lead to 1

Ferbie. :clap:

O’Brien has had a shocker since coming in for Derry.

Something you’re well qualified to recognise.


Kildare/Laois all square with 5 to go

Dublin cruising now but Christ that was an appalling game of football. Nothing wrong with defensive football but that was just brutal. The handling errors, lads failing to solo the ball properly in yards of space, lads falling over trying to pick the ball up, wild kicking, tentative handpassing… dreadful stuff.

Sensational scenes!! Goal for Kildare in injury time!!
