
Have only seen the first episode but seems interesting alright. The US is one fucked up place.

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Did you see that hit in the first game :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

He should be up for attempted murder

This is an excellent show

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I did yeah.

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There’s great layers to it, and great characters too. The running battle between the Korvo security chief and the Department woman in the early episodes for instance.

Music alone is fab

Just watched episode 1 of this
Watching Dominic West playing a psycho self help guru after reading Joe Brollys article this morning was a bit freaky but otherwise very promising indeed

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Just watched the last episode of this. Brilliant show. Don’t watch if you want cheering up. Some great performances in it. A thought provoking watch

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Watched ep 2 last night, best thing I’ve seen in a long time. Has there been a better actress in history than Cate Blanchett? Answer no.
I might binge watch the rest in one or two goes, distressing a watch as it is.
Australia actually went well up in my estimation watching this


Blanchett is great. She actually made the show as well I think.

Puzzle is worth a look.

Jaysus. Cate Blanchett is some ham actress. She has two facial expressions and both of them suggest she needs a laxative. A couple of lads are making a holy show of themselves here.


And she looks like fuck all to boot.

Finished this tonight. The best drama made in years. Fuck this world

Edit, True story not a drama

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Ner a tit either.

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Umbrella academy very enjoyable

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How is our kid in it?

Very good. He’s the comedy in it.