
Is that the one with the talking monkey?

I watched about 10 mins of the first episode but was out when he opened his gob.

My thirteen year old daughter watches it. I asked her this morning if it was the show with Irish lad and she said yeah.

It’s set in the 60si enjoyed it anyway watched it over two nights

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Certainly is and Sheehan is excellent in it. Luther is Dickon Tarly out of GoT, right? That gave me a lol.

Probably mentioned already but the 3 parter about the taking down of the mob in NY is great.


The Fall is top notch. Gritty polis series set in Belfast. I can’t believe I haven’t spotted it earlier. Séamie Dornan is on top of his game. Line of duty fans will gobble this one up.


I thought it was average enough to be honest,

Yeah it’s excellent.


Dornan just didn’t cut it in that for me. Not menacing enough. Matthew Kelly was a much better bad lad.
Series 2 was ridiculous

He one of the Kellys the Limerick lads are fond of? The Good Samaritan type lad?

They’re always stereotyping us northerners

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Peanut Butter Falcon is up. A top movie.

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3/10 in my opinion. I won’t be watching it again.

In hindsight I am reducing my rating of the film to just above average 7 out of 10. The young lad in it reminds me of someone close to me and this may have clouded my judgement

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Gonna watch Warrior tonight, heard it’s very good. Would they be right?

It’s ok. Only ok. Watchable but won’t leave you with anything deep and meaningful to take from it


Stick to your guns. Very good flick. 7.5/8 about right id say.

This Nightingale film is gory as fuck, a hard watch.

Is that the irish one in Australia? Fucking brutal