
The Moss on countdown episode and the Iā€™m disabled episode are better than any father ted episode. Maybe not as consistent

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Just watch Catastrophe lads. No need for all the murder shite


Watched first 20 mins of night stalker. Pile of shite had a whiff of making a murderer.

Good show. One of the horgans had to be talented

Next episode is ā€œthe thing about arsenal is they are always trying to walk it inā€.

Another belter

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Fuck me pal. What a movie. Thanks for that suggestion. Wonderful.

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Fr Ted, Black Books and IT Crowd all have this rare ability to just never get old. Iā€™ve seen certain episodes of each of them dozens of times.


She is a funny lady

Iā€™m after watching the first episode of it there, thereā€™s too much murder. There was like 10 people put away in in 45 mins or so and I barely followed any of it. Iā€™ve the bones of another can to drink though, so Iā€™ll watch the next episode anyways for shits and giggles.

Sheā€™s very good

Black Books is a great show. Dylan even manages to make Bill Bailey amusing


It had the feel of making a murderer, that itā€™ll go on but nothing happens. I swore after that, any highly recommended must watch shows/doc series must be entertaining after 20 mins. For example tiger King i was sceptical but after 10 mins it was worth a watch

Itā€™s not even on the level of Black Books ffs. Take Richard Ayoade out of it and itā€™s barely even funny.

Itā€™s brilliantā€¦Dylan is class in it.

I actually enjoyed Making a Murderer, it was one crime and they made a story out of it. From what Iā€™ve seen of Night Stalker they stuff as many corpses as they can into two episodes while two fairly boring cops give us the bullet-points of the investigation. I wonā€™t be watching the rest of it.


Itā€™s shite.


Any Netflix doc I bothered to watch was about 3/4 episodes too long. I havenā€™t attempted one since I gave up on Tiger king after one episode.

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Try night stalker.

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Hitlerā€™s Circle of Evil is brilliant but itā€™s probably not a Netflix production.

Two episodes into Informer - London based, BBC production, decent so far.

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