
Synchronic lads. Get on it. Trippy.

Doing a binge watch of the first 3 seasons at the moment as youā€™d forget all the shit that went down.


The young lad being made a man of by Darlene is some fucked up shitā€¦ Wyatt is it?

yeah crazy stuff. the whole thing is a bit mental really, but sure bit of craic really

Itā€™s like a plot from TFK, not really believable but entertaining.

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Thatā€™s a great comparison

Ruth :heart_eyes:

Itā€™s kicks off in fine fettle. Mad stuff. Thereā€™s an awful whiff of hilary clinton about wendy

Agree. First 2 episodes are excellent. Jason Bateman is tremendous as Marty. He is regularly faced with absolutely fucking mental people in absolutely mental situations and bar an imperceptible raising of one eyebrow his demeanour remains completely calm.

Hes just another punter dealing with difficult circumstances and a difficult missus


Dark Desire a Mexican production riding in every episode great show

Youā€™ll give yourself an heart attack at your age watching that kind of shit.



Cobra Kai is gone ridiculous altogether :joy: :joy: :joy:

The Puppet Master : Hunting The Ultimate Conman is decent, if somewhat bizarre

The kids sicken my hole,they should have killed them off.

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Itā€™s a bit much much alright with the young ladā€™s archā€¦ Other than that itā€™s heating up nicely between them all. The season is broken into 2 seven part episodes. Iā€™ve the last of this batch to watch tonight and Iā€™m expecting a huge twist in the Narvaro story. The nephew is gonna pull the rug.

Crazy story
Iā€™d like to go spy school though

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Yeah, the young ladā€™s pivot is a bit far fetched, though Iā€™d miss the daughter if they got rid of her

Neither would be missed in my view.The young fellas arch is ridiculous.