
Itā€™s a good idea but runs out of that idea.

Same as all these disaster end of world things, thereā€™s no way to wrap them up. Kevin Bacon was a pleasant surprise, Iā€™d missed him initially.

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Society of the Snow is worth a watch if you arenā€™t flying for a few weeks

Please donā€™t eat my sister.

Netflix star leaves show

Watching this. Tremendous stuff.

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Anybody watch ā€˜Boy Swallows Universeā€™ on Netflix?
A lot of hype on social media.
Australian TV series.

Loudermilk is funny as fuck.


Itā€™s v good

I just popped it on there.The opening coffee shop scene is promising

Gave this a whirl last night. I was pleased. Thanks

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Iā€™ve watched 20 minutes of American Nightmare and itā€™s absolutely enthralling. If you like your true crimes, this is setting up for a thriller.

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Had to finish it. A nice concise 3 episodes. Brilliant viewing.

Still curious about why the kidnapper was after the ex fiancƩ (who dated the FBI agent) and who the accomplices were

Unreal, either corruption or at best incompetence on behalf of the :policeman:

Anything on Prime or Netflix worth watching tonight?

Looks decent. My cup of tea anyway.

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Thanks.I enjoyed Queen of the South so Ill give it a go.

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Watched the first episode there - good show.

I was about to start it and I will, but got sidetracked into watching the 6 nations documentary instead.
I dont like Rugby particularly but its good.

Andrew Porter and Elis Genge are alright sorts.

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I might have a re-think about it.
Miss Viagra is in it but that didnā€™t seem reason enough as sheā€™s pushing on now.
And every second TV series seems to be about drugsā€¦