
Iā€™ve been toying with investing my time in the OA. Iā€™ve read up on reviews and they are extremely mixed. Is it worth it bud?

Thereā€™s a decent recap at the start of Season 2.

Watch 2 episodes and youā€™ll know, its not for everyone. Thereā€™s a point in Season 2 where an octopus turns up, and well, thereā€™s not much you can say about it really other than its as much a WTF moment as youā€™ll ever see in a tv show of any nature.


I started watching season 2 of the Orville (3 episodes) in and have decided to cease. I enjoyed season 1 but itā€™s very repetitive.

Iā€™ll give this a shot instead. Thanks

Iā€™m now really intrigued by this show. Octopuses you say.

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My head is melted ā€¦ I still dont know if itā€™s the cleverest show ever created or the most stupid.

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Could you imagine how the likes of The Dunph would have gotten on with it? :smile:

How far in are you?

episode 5 done last night ā€” or maybe it was 6 ā€¦ BBAā€™s cousinā€™s house

Ah yes. Jesse.

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Most stupid. The ending of season 1 was the most ridiculous finale of any tv show produced. I couldnā€™t decide if it was the writers taking the mick and having a laugh or they were serious about the abilities of interpretative dance.

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Choco wouldnā€™t be the sharpest knife in the drawer so he wouldnā€™t be able to see through any old pretentious shite, he just gets a bit dazzled by the bright lights. Heā€™s a thick cunt really but heā€™s our thick cunt so we tend not to give him a hard time about it.


Wait til you hear about the ending to season 2 :smile:

I watched the first episode of Spanish show Money Heist last week. The first episode was quite promising and Iā€™m recommending S01E01 for viewing.

The Highwaymen is enjoyable, ultimately like any take on the Bonnie and Clyde story itā€™s all about the finale.


Just watched it-enjoyable

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Watched the Miami Showband program there. Very poignant. Remember hearing the news of the massacre very well and I remember what stars they were here. It was a cuntish bit of business by British black ops.


Remember it well. Dark days.whatā€™s it called?

The Miami Showband Massacre

Wasnā€™t the rumour that nairac was the well spoken English gent who arrived on the scene after that one of the band members remembered hearingā€¦

Wasnā€™t Nairac a head the ball and not likely to have been involved in such an operation?

Donā€™t know much about himā€¦