I was flicking through the channels this morning and caught a bit of the breakfast show, Paul Williams was talking to Ciaran Cuffe regarding the 30km speed limits around the city centre. I can’t remember the exact interaction but;
Cuffe was going on about how it would make it safer for people to walk, cycle etc. Better for the environment, pollution, make the city more liveable blah blah.
Williams asked him about drivers who’d be inconvenienced.
Cuffe replied well we are hoping less people will drive.
“Aha” roared Williams “you’ve let it slip, your green agenda”. As if he’d exposed some grand conspiracy.
Cuffe then calmly explained that, that was the whole point of the law.
Unintentionally hilarious radio.
Separately, I’m ashamed to admit Chris is growing on me in the evenings. I can’t listen to Matt Cooper anymore so I’m homeless for that time slot. The show isn’t as reliant on Chris being all preachy and opinionated and he’s much better suited to it.
Chris even said “if you’re explaining you’re losing the other night”. He could fit right in around here.
Williams is right about this 30km thing. There is no fuckingmandate for it and it’s virtually impossible to drive a motor car at that speed. The Greens poll at most 5% but because you have a yoke as city manager who is virulently anti car then you get a fucking nonsense like this slipped in.
This is the kind of shite that drives ordinary people trying to make a living demented and is just the kind of leftist/greeny shit imposed without a by your leave from the electorate that leads to extreme results like Trump and Brexit.
There’s actually more to Dublin than the Quays would you believe? This will apply across the administrative area of the City Council except for a few selected arterial routes.
Who will enforce it. I’d say the same cunts will enforce it that put out GATSO vans at 7 o clock on a Sunday morning at the side of 6 lane highway in Dublin to catch people whose speed has crept up to 54kph. Shooting fish in a barrel is what they call it I believe.
Will it matter. Yes it will, you’ll be trying to get somewhere in a hurry and you’ll be stuck behind some stubborn thick cunt doing 29 on a good road and when you bip the fuck out of him he’ll point to the 30 kph sign and shrug.
Just cause they replaced them with one of the biggest cunts in the country and a chap with whom he has no chemistry whatsoever doesn’t make Chris or Ivan any better.
It’s like crying for Bertie back after we replaced him with Enda
At least Bertie used to make people resign after scandals. He wouldn’t tarnish his brand by letting them hang around. He was much better at the old politicking.
If Bertie was Teflon, Enda is like that frying pan that’s lost its non-stick completely, and we are the college students who aren’t arsed replacing him, even though we complain about it constantly.