New Newstalk line up

Donoghue is a self absorbed fool. He could barely ask a question without preceding it with his own qualifying inner monologue . His inability to even attempt to be a balanced broadcaster after trumps election was one of the saddest, most hilarious things I’ve ever heard.

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I’ve both heard the piece and read it.

There is no grey area in what Hook said.

It’s demonstratively clear that for Hook, any woman who is raped in a bedroom after meeting a stranger should be blamed for her own rape.

This is the bottom line. There is no getting away from it.

Anybody who in any way defends the comments is by extension blaming such victims of rape.


You are confusing loud oafs like hook with the "general attitude " .


That’s the most sensible post written about what’s going on

Donoghue is an excellent young broadcaster. He’s informed, he’s able to give and take in a discussion, he asks good questions, and he is extremely engaging.

And he’s only going to get better.

In terms of self-absorbed fools, Newstalk is full of them. Hook, Yates, Williams. Coleman to a lesser extent with the emphasis on the latter description. Pat Kenny has increasingly gone down that road with the emphasis on the former description. Donoghue is about as far away from a self-absorbed fool as is possible.

Your invocation of Trump as a topic which requires “balance” is a denial of reality. Asking for “balance” as regards Trump is like asking for balance when discussing whether gravity exists.

Have a listen to Matt Cooper’s segment about Trump from some weeks back and tell me whether you think it requires “balance”.

Some topics do not require “balance”.

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If you believe this, I’m sure you’ll be able to explain why you believe it.

He also called the guy a scumbag even though he hasn’t had a trial yet.

I don’t have any stats to back it up , I have rarely heard such views in work , social of general discourse . I was at a social gathering last night and the topic was discussed albeit not for long . The consensus was that hook is wrong . The company was largely rural farming folk.

Is that an acceptable rape joke?

Suggests only women can be raped.

Shame on whoever created it.


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Fuck off Ingrid


As a father and a husband and a son and brother I shouldn’t have laughed but fuck it @Sidney I did :joy:

when pro sexual assault posters @Ambrose_McNulty & @GeoffreyBoycott havent backed hook it must be bad


I would

Dirty divil ya

You’re a sex tourist, don’t involve me in your sordid discussions.


You liked a story about sexual assault

that is a fact

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Have the “Norga” group yet clarified whether they are an explicitly pro-sexual assault online gang, or just merely an online gang in which being pro-sexual assault is classed as acceptable?

The only fact is that you’re an aging sex pest, with a massive facial impediment (hook hose). Once everything is above board, I’ve problem with men going abroad for sex but don’t try and put us in the same bracket as yourself. If you have a problem with @anon67715551 's story take it up with him.

It’s safe to assume that the only sexual contact you’ve ever had is with your sock puppets. Stick to commenting on what you know.