New York City

She’s booked :muscle:t2:



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what the fuck??

Bloody covid I guess. the Italian man was old enough. I hope he’s ok.

IHOP every morning for me

I can’t believe this bullshit, it was a New YORK INSTITUTION

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Was feeling a bit rough on Friday morning and found Carve sandwiches on 46 Street by chance. Place was packed and a queue so I reckoned it would be good. Huge sandwiches, really hit the spot and topped off with a slice of cheesecake, set me up perfectly for another tour of the hostelries around Times Square. I’d say the Clonmel guards will have some interesting stories from their junket to march in the parade.

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Apparently @Tierneevin1979 is privy to the fried potato recipe. Too bad.

Manganaro‘s on 9th Ave between 37th and 38th street has best Italian sandwiches but the area is a bit shit. Park Italian Gourmet on 45th between 5th and 6th Ave is really good as well, cash only.


What’s the attraction with Times Square? It’s shit.

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The pickpockets love it

Get down to the East Village, head for Swifts and you’ll never look back at Times Square and it’s environs again.


Clinton Street Baking Company is another gem of a spot

It’s very famous. You could even say it’s iconic

A fucking Irish pub in New York. Well I never.


But don’t get that drunk that you forget your bag of ralph lauren tshirts in the bar.


Greek diners and Irish bars,

In the greatest city in the English speaking world :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:


You’d hardly send @Realbhoy to the Top of the Strand

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The worst is when you ask for a pint of Guinness in an Irish bar and they give it to you one of their 16 oz glasses, it’s not close to a pint.

Yeah it’s a real melting pot