Next Republic of Ireland Manager

A massive percentage of Irish people absolutely idolise him still. He’s one of our most respected ever past players. You’re wrong to say fans hate him. Some do

Liverpool fans

Incorrect. Few if any idolise him. He’s failed as a manager far more often than he has succeeded. He is yesterdays man.

I’d support Roy Keane’s appointment as Ireland manager on the basis that he’d make a complete fuck of the team and would leave Irish people free to concentrate on our true national team, Liverpool FC.

It’s set up for Jose Mourinho to step in. He’d forge a siege mentality and make us hard to beat. Although he’d fall out with most people, it would be great to see him interact with Tony Donoghue.

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He got paid £10 million for his last job,I can’t see him committing to Ireland

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I was only being half serious. He’s made for international football. But I doubt he’d choose Ireland. Portugal after Martinez maybe

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We’d get him in a heartbeat if someone put up the right money

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Cc @flattythehurdler


Jose and Pepe would be tremendous fun

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I would have fancied him maybe five years ago, but he’s record of late seems to be poor.
But could be available soon…

The shit housery will be off the charts. Best suggestion ive seen on here

Looks like he’s available now.

Wasn’t there a poster here who had it on good authority Carsley wouldn’t touch the job?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Who was it?

Don’t [quote=“myboyblue, post:295, topic:38342, full:true”]
Who was it?

Don’t follow usernames too much. Surprising considering Carsley barring last minute hitches will be announced next week.

There’s all sorts of weirdos on here telling lies, attempting to wind simple gullible chaps up. You’d do well to remember that.

It definitely wasn’t @BruidheanChaorthainn anyway

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If I’m wrong I’ll hold my hands up and say so.

Doesnt he hate Carsely?