Next Republic of Ireland Manager

Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN

Shut your face Kyle.

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I wouldn’t be too enthused by Carsley.

Putting out a successful England U21 team (given the quality of players coming through English academies now) is a world of difference to managing a senior side where the standard of player for that level is broadly average. Sure Spock himself would probably do a grand job as England U21 boss if given the opportunity.

We need a grizzled veteran who’ll make us hoof it down the channels & get them turned. Neil Warnock would be ideal.


You cant win a derby with donkeys

Eh Carsley would have been described as a grizzled veteran for most of his career. I’d say a long spell spent chasing in the ireland midfield makes him perfectly aware of what you can and cant do as a manager of ireland.


Keane has it.

I want whoever @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy think’s should have it.


Big Sam is still a goer for me.

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I always thought Carsley was a shit player. My main memory of him for Ireland was giving away a penalty for handball in the play off against Turkey after Robbie Keane put us in front (Euro 2000?). That ended 1-1 and we went out after a goalless draw in the second leg in Turkey, the night Cascarino was battered by riot police & the game wasn’t on telly as the Turkish lads sought ridiculous sums for the TV rights.


He’d probably be one of our best players nowadays.

You can win a donkey derby.


Fergie was a shit player. So was klopp.

Indeed. When our squad announcements are listed by position, the centre midfield options over recent years would make me go eeeek…Cullen, Browne, Molumby, Hendrick etc. Bypass the midfield, don’t get people who can’t play to try play expansive stuff, knock it down the line & pin them in. Charge!


I’m not basing my reservations about him getting the job on his playing days though - I’ve said looking after a star studded underage side is completely different to managing senior underachievers of average quality. Not rating him as a player was a separate point.

We need a manager who can make the side hard to beat and work with average players and build a team spirit

We need Sam


We’ve never really replaced Stephen Hunt’s ability to win throw-ins.

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I was referring to the current crops ability not Carsley. Youd be better off putting Paul Daniels in charge to see could he turn them into something worth while

I think we are sleep walking into another Stephen Kenny situation with carsley. A vague notion that he is a ‘good coach’ despite absolutely fuck all experience of working at a similar level to this. He has an average top level playing career which puts him ahead of Kenny but if he comes out for his first interview and has a squeaky voice, a stutter or a lisp we may throw out hat at it.


You’ve surely heard his broad Brummie accent at some stage

Real Madrid thought they were getting Carsley when they signed Thomas Gravesen.