Next Republic of Ireland Manager

Pretending we are Barcelona whilst the likes of Luxembourg beat us


Loads of passing

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The last time the FAI made this much of a fuck of appointing a manager we ended up with Jack Charlton, so fingers crossed

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There’s league two managers making what you’d get for the Ireland job.

It’s a handy number. But if you fail to qualify, which realistically you probably will. It’s a black mark against you.

So it’s a job for an auld fella winding down. The problem is any of those who have achieved anything want good money.

This is why we ended up with Kenny the last time. He had no bigger job to get and the money was decent for him. That’s the range of manager you are looking at. Unless you start putting money about.

Would Duffer take it.


Im advocaring for hudson to get it

He said no

Bradley’s chances quietly increasing by the day.

More readable for me, his Times columns are fairly on the ball, pun fully intended. But he sounds like a complete wanker

Ah good stuff you’re in the Gavin Cooney crew

There is absolutely no reason we shouldn’t be qualifying for every second Euros at a minimum with the amount of teams qualifying

Christ, but when you look at it, hasn’t that Delaney cunt left us in some fucking shithole? I mean, the FAI was never well run or anything, but look where we are now? Look at the cunts legacy. He should be brought into the nearest town square to where he’s holed up and shot with balls of his own shit.


24 teams out of 55 currently (56 if Russia get back into the fold). Of them, there are a few that’ll never qualify (Andorra, San Marino, Malta, Liechtenstein, Gibraltar, Faroe Islands) so we effectively only have to finish in the top half of the rest. Very doable

The way we are going we’ll be on that list soon

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Ah we’ve sent them Gibraltarians home with their tae in their mugs consistently

Denis O’Brien has been a savage loss to the setup.

I hadn’t realised who the selection panel was until now. God help us with Packie Bonner involved.

ok i have experienced this quite a lot with @Funtime too

34 years since schilachi scored mate, time to move on


What would be the current day equivalent of the coup of getting Trap?

Give it chiellini. Pay him in blood