Next Republic of Ireland Manager

Lads who were raised through a proper war and can understand when you need to fight occupation.

I thought you were all talking about Bernie Slaven until I saw thus picture.
Thought you’d all gone mad…

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David Snead reporting that no contact has been made, that Slaven Bilic was not aware of any interest, and the Saudi club he’s managing has a contract with him until June 2025.
This is dead in the water lads. We dreamed for 10 hours or so.

Slaven isn’t about money, I’d say he’d love the absolute madness of us. And we’d love him.

There’s the nucleus of a good team there now. Just short in a couple of areas.

Dan Casey and Scales are probably nailed on in the back four. Both can play centre back or full back so we have versatility in our best two defenders but we need a couple more. Osagie might be a little too young still.

Lawal will surely captain the team from midfield and just need a couple of runners beside him.

We have the attacking threat finally sorted. Vata and Mikey Johnston on the wings with Idah through the middle and Johnny Kenny waiting on the bench.

I can’t see Bilic failing to qualify for any tournaments with that team.


You’d feel sorry for @Perez2017, if he’d only the courage of his convictions he’d have sailed home with this

What were his convictions again? I thought he flip flopped on it

It’s looking like Carsley then? I’m slightly sceptical based on how positive the OTB lads are about him. They’re leading us down the wrong path again I’d fear. A mad bastard like Slavan Billic would whip everyone into shape and create a bit of a buzz. Winning an U21 Euros was promising but I have an inkling that Carsley’s style might be a bit sterile. Retaining possession for the sake of it kind of job.

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Didn’t two lads on here having a long running feud over Paul Clement and his merits as a manager?:joy:

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Do you want me to quote the posts where you said it could never be Carsley?!


Me too. I can’t see what all the hype is about.





You are incredibly dim at times it’s amazing and you see fit to go around trying to correct everyone then to top it all off.

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The audit trail never lies


I’ve bit my tongue long enough when it came to you in fairness.


Oh dear…

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This should be good. Can’t wait for it :popcorn: